Two suspected murders against the Israeli embassy in Stockholm stopped

A suspicious shooting is said to have taken place at the Israeli embassy in Stockholm last night.
Both Thursday and Wednesday, the police are believed to have stopped possible assassination plans against the embassy, ​​according to information given to TV4 Nyheterna.
It is about teenagers who were on their way to the place in a taxi.

A police patrol guarding the Israeli embassy in Östermalm heard loud bangs that sounded like gunshots at 02:00. A large operation was launched and several blocks around the embassy building were cordoned off.

In connection with the technical investigation, several findings were made which, according to the police, indicate that a shooting took place at the scene.

Shortly after the incident, a 14-year-old boy was arrested, according to information given to TV4 Nyheterna. He was later released by prosecutors but is suspected of serious weapons offences. The police suspect that the crime was aimed at the Israeli embassy and the boy is said to have gone to the scene in a taxi, according to the same information.

TV4 Nyheterna can now tell you that the police are investigating two more cases that can be connected to the embassy where suspects have had the same approach.

Double taxis on the way to the embassy – one armed

On the night of Wednesday, the police allegedly stopped a teenage boy armed with a gun in a taxi south of Stockholm, according to information to TV4 Nyheterna. The taxi must have been booked to the Israeli embassy. The boy was arrested for aggravated weapons offences.

Late on Thursday evening, the police allegedly wanted to check another teenager in the same municipality. The boy managed to run from the patrol but was later captured. No weapon was then found on him, but there was a taxi at the address that was also booked to the embassy’s address. This according to several sources for TV4 Nyheterna.

The police are investigating both incidents as possible attacks on the Israeli embassy.

In January of this year, the embassy was subjected to a hand grenade attack, which is being handled by the Security Police as a terrorist crime. Last spring, Israel decided to close the embassy.

The security police, Säpo, confirms that they are aware of last night’s incident and states that the terror investigation from last winter is continuing.

TV4 Nyheterna has contacted the Stockholm police. Mediacenter claims to be unaware of the cases from earlier this week and cannot comment. The prosecutor does not want to confirm TV4 Nyheter’s information.
