Cancer patients CAUTION! Don’t do this: Negative effects

Cancer patients CAUTION Dont do this Negative effects

Stating that while receiving chemotherapy, it is necessary to stay away from herbal and natural medicinal products recommended by people other than oncology physicians, as well as supplements such as vitamins and minerals, Specialist from Medical Oncology Clinic. Dr. Neslihan Özyurt said, “Such drugs can negatively affect the success of treatment by reducing the effectiveness of chemotherapy.”


Stating that there is no definitive scientific evidence that herbal medicines cure cancer, Uzm. Dr. Neslihan Özyurt said, “Depending on the use of these products in patients receiving chemotherapy, very serious health problems, especially liver and kidney failure, may occur. Such drugs may negatively affect the success of treatment by reducing the effectiveness of chemotherapy.


Emphasizing that stinging nettle, which is widely consumed in the Black Sea Region, is among the foods that should not be consumed in patients receiving chemotherapy. Dr. Neslihan Özyurt made the following recommendations regarding food consumption for patients receiving chemotherapy:

“Contrary to what is known, it is not proven information that patients receiving chemotherapy get worse when they consume sugary foods. Sugar consumption is not completely prohibited. However, he said that it is not suitable for health for patients to consume refined sugary foods in large quantities and to take products such as honey and molasses, saying it is natural. Instead of consuming fruit, it may be appropriate to consume light milk desserts 1-2 times a week. Again, stinging nettle, which is widely consumed in the Black Sea Region, should not be consumed in patients receiving chemotherapy.


Apart from this, pickled and pickled foods and canned foods, instant soups and offal, extremely spicy and spicy foods, smoked foods and grills, alcohol and tobacco products are among the foods that patients receiving chemotherapy should not consume.
