Tag: parents
Faced with the dangers of the Internet, the National Assembly passed a law aimed at protecting the image rights of children, whose parents post photos and videos on social networks. Content that quickly escapes them…
Faced with the dangers of the Internet, the National Assembly passed a law aimed at protecting the image rights of children, whose parents post photos and videos on social networks.…
Big fight in Säffle – teachers, students and parents in a fight
According to information from TV4 Nyheterna, it is noisy at the Tegnérskolan in Säffle. Teachers, students and parents must be involved in a huge fight in which bullying also occurs.…
Family home parents acquitted of manslaughter
Published: Just now full screen After the death of a 15-year-old girl, her foster parents have been sued in a separate prosecution for murder or aggravated manslaughter. Archive image. Photo:…
Family home parents acquitted of manslaughter in the Donia case
A little more than ten years ago, 15-year-old Donia Hassan died of pneumonia in her family home, a case that Kalla Fakta reviewed. Her biological parents started a legal process…
Parents urged to update their child’s student immunization record
News Local News The Haldimand- Norfolk Health Unit is urging parents to update their child’s vaccination records to avoid the child being suspended from school. Photo by Getty Images Public…
The National Assembly has just adopted a bill aimed at setting at 15 the minimum age for registering alone on a social network, without the authorization of the parents. A laudable intention, but a difficult device to put in place…
The National Assembly has just adopted a bill aimed at setting at 15 the minimum age for registering alone on a social network, without the authorization of the parents. A…
The investigation must investigate the possibility of evicting parents when children commit crimes
In July 2022, Magdalena Andersson’s (S) government appointed an investigation that was tasked with reviewing property owners’ possibilities to evict criminal tenants who use the apartment or the surrounding area…
Families of children who commit crimes want to be evicted from their apartments in Sweden – Government: Parents’ responsibility must be tightened
The bourgeois government also wants to pay poorly integrated families to move out of Sweden. The Swedish government wants to tackle crime and weak integration through families. The three bourgeois…
In the psychological thriller Mute, an elite star killed his parents and hasn’t spoken a word since
He played fan-favorite Ander Muñoz in the Netflix hit Elite, but for his next series on the streaming service, Arón Piper is bringing up a darker side. In Stumm aka…
Parents of twins from Vleuten suspected of serious child abuse, father also of attempted manslaughter
The girls’ parents say they were completely surprised at the time by the injuries found on their daughters. They firmly deny that they abused their daughters and would have desperately…