Tag: oxygen
“Surprising if someone came in bad oxygen”
The frame of the World Cup is made up of the Beijing gold team. The Lions will start the World Cup camp on April 10th. Several Finnish players on the…
All about the oxygen extractor that will land on the Moon
Explore the interviews of researchers, photographers, travelers who witnessed a world that is changing under the yoke of global warming. You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Live and work…
Soon oxygen farms on Mars and the Moon for future manned missions?
You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] On Mars, the Jezero crater delta This panorama of the Jezero crater delta is the work of the Mastcam-Z on board NASA’s Perseverance…
‘Significant and potentially irreversible’ ocean deoxygenation began to occur in 2021
Among the effects of global warming is the deoxygenation of the oceans. An effect that researchers have tried to quantify. According to them, by 2080, no less than 70% of…
The amount of oxygen on Earth would have long stagnated at very low levels
The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere would have long stagnated at particularly low levels, impacting the development of the biosphere. New results that could lead to a revision of…
There were no “breaths of oxygen” on Earth before the Great Oxygenation
When did oxygen first appear in Earth’s atmosphere? The answer to this crucial question has evolved over the years. And today, once again, researchers are providing new answers. According to…
Why does the air contain less oxygen in the mountains?
If the air contains less oxygen in the mountains than at the seaside, it is because the pressure there is lower. The explanations. K2, the “mountain without pity” With 8,611…
Restart the magnetic field of Mars? Researchers have the solution
If today, space agencies are officially targeting the Moon, they are already looking to Mars. But to permanently establish a colony on the Red Planet, it will be necessary to…