Tag: Omega-3
It slows aging in regular purchase! Scientifically proved
According to The Guardian, the International Science Team, including researchers from Harvard University and Zurich University, analyzed the clinical experiment of 777 elderly Swiss in a 3 -year study on…
Omega-3 storage! Prof. Dr. Mental performance enhancing plant from İbrahim Saraçoğlu: “You feel the difference in 10 minutes”
Prof. has made a name for himself with his health advice and healing cure recipes. Dr. İbrahim Saraçoğlu recommended the most effective plant that opens the mind. People are very…
US scientists announced the source of healing to the whole world! Contains 7,000 times more omega-3s than fish
İbrahim Saracoğlu, whose suggestions for healthy life are followed closely, said that the food that destroys cancer, which he called the miraculous food, may be effective in preventing atherosclerosis and…
Contains more Omega-3 than fish! Turns the body into a vitamin bomb
Indispensable for pastries grown in Afyon and Eskişehir in Turkey, poppy is known for its benefits for persistent insomnia and fatigue problems. Poppy, a source of Omega 3, which is…
Protects heart health like a shield! Don’t miss the protein store on your table
Among the information instilled in our brains from our childhood is that fish, a source of Omega-3, is very important for health. However, the type of fish eaten can have…
Think again before you buy! You may be eating plastic instead of fish
It is recommended to consume the fresh fish found in fishmongers and market stalls every week. However, citizens have hesitations about the contents of the fish they buy, especially in…
prof. Dr. İbrahim Saracoğlu announced the miraculous food! Contains 7,000 times more omega-3s than fish
Eating healthy is important to protect against diseases and to have a healthier body. Experts state that natural oil consumption provides effective results in terms of health. prof. İbrahim Saraçoğlu…
Omega 3 benefits: What is Omega 3, what does it have?
In the past, people consumed Omega-3 sources through hunting and gathering. But today, modern farming and industrial processing techniques have caused Omega-3 fatty acids to fall from our diet. For…
We’ve been consuming it wrong for years! The most important place of the healing warehouse is thrown away
The benefits of fish are among the information we have been exposed to since childhood. Fish is known to be very effective in brain development and strengthen immunity like steel.…
Experts warn! Omega 3 source can cause blindness
The importance of nutrition with the Mediterranean diet is emphasized in order to prevent diseases. Although it is known that fish, which is at the top of the Mediterranean diet,…