Tag: Muslims
what are the start and end dates of the month of fasting for Muslims?
The important dates of Ramadan change each year because they are based on the lunar nature of the Islamic calendar, not the Gregorian calendar organized around the Earth’s rotation around…
prayer time, an important moment for Muslims
PRAYER TIME. During Ramadan, prayers and fasting punctuate the days of Muslims at very specific times. Summary Ramadan fasting is a demanding practice for all Muslims who comply with it.…
Brotherhood is gaining ground among French Muslims, by Florence Bergeaud-Blackler – L’Express
A survey carried out by Ifop and published on December 7 addresses religiosity and the relationship to religious norms, the relationship to science, the meaning given to secularism and the…
Åkesson wants to survey Muslims in Sweden
Share the article Save the article Jimmie Åkesson (SD) wants to map Islamist currents among Muslims in Sweden. That’s what the party leader writes in DN Debatt. “I don’t bring…
The Prime Minister’s response to the mosques in Gothenburg: “It is important that Muslims feel safe”
It was during the Sweden Democrats’ national days just over a week ago that Jimmie Åkesson (SD) said that there should be a total stop to building new mosques in…
Both Jews and Muslims in Stockholm testify to increased hatred
At the end of last week, the mosque on Södermalm was hit by scrawled doors. It is just one of several threats and hate crimes that have affected Muslims and…
Macron calls not to “confuse the rejection of Muslims and the support of Jews” – L’Express
Emmanuel Macron warned, Wednesday November 8, those who “claim to support our compatriots of the Jewish faith by confusing the rejection of Muslims and the support of Jews”, in a…
his strategy to avoid the divide between Jews and Muslims in France – L’Express
The passage, in the address to the French on October 12, did not go unnoticed. That evening, Emmanuel Macron chose to specifically evoke the fate of the Jewish and Muslim…
China’s persecution of the Muslim minority is increasing! Muslims defend mosques
The policy of the government on religious beliefs in China aims to bring religions closer to traditional Chinese culture and to purify them from foreign influences. In this way, the…
South African Muslims congratulate President Erdogan
In a written statement from Awqaf SA, “On behalf of our Foundation and South African Muslims, we extend our sincere congratulations and best wishes to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on…