Åkesson wants to survey Muslims in Sweden

Akesson wants to survey Muslims in Sweden
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Jimmie Åkesson (SD) wants to map Islamist currents among Muslims in Sweden.

That’s what the party leader writes in DN Debatt.

“I don’t bring this up because I “hate Muslims”, writes Åkesson.

During the Sweden Democrats’ country days last week, Jimmie Åkesson said that he wants to stop all new construction of mosques and demolish existing ones that contribute to Islamization.

In DN Debatt, the Sweden Democrats’ party leader is now writing about another proposal concerning Muslims in Sweden.

full screen Jimmie Åkesson: “I don’t bring this up because I “hate Muslims”. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

Unclear how the mapping will be done

Åkesson wants to push through a mapping of Islamist currents among Muslims in Sweden – and highlights similar mappings that have been done in European countries.

“Such surveys generally show that there is a deeply worrying spread of problematic values ​​and currents within the Muslim minority. It must be taken seriously”.

Jimmie Åkesson writes that many secular Muslims live in Sweden – but accuses them of being silent in the debate.

“Simply put: whoever puts Islam before democratically established laws and individual freedom is a de facto Islamist”, he writes and continues:

“Problematic currents flourish not least in some mosques”.

The SD leader does not go into how a mapping should be done and what it should result in in the debate article.

full screen Åkesson has opened to demolish some mosques. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

Downplays the previous play

In Åkesson’s speech during the Sweden Democrats’ country days last week, he also opened up about demolishing mosques.

– It is not a right to come to our country and build monuments to a foreign and imperialist ideology, Jimmie Åkesson said in his speech and continued:

– Minarets, domes, crescents or other attributes that serve as Islamic monuments in the cityscape should be completely removed.

But on Friday, Åkesson toned down his performance.

– You can start by closing them, then you can see what the buildings can be used for. There is no reason to demolish buildings that can be used for something else, he says Echo.
