Tag: masters
Micke Leijnegard gets exactly that little money for the Master of Masters
The champion of champions is back and this year it’s a competitive bunch to say the least that viewers will get to follow in the box. That’s how Micke Leijnegard…
Total goosebumps from the tribute to Tony Rickardsson in the Master of Masters – and now the giant brat is revealed in the TV box: “Being touched”
The champion of champions offered pure goosebumps in the first episode.When the icon Tony Rickardsson was celebrated – and he revealed the giant ice cream.– You get a little moved,…
This air battle moment in Masters of the Air is throat tightening
Masters of the Air started a week ago with two episodes on AppleTV+ and every Friday there is now a new episode of the 300 million war series by Tom…
Anja Pärson’s nightmare night in the Master of Masters: “Anxiety-laden”
For ten years thanked Anja Pärson no to being in the Master of Masters. When she finally accepted, an injury put an end to the 42-year-old. But before the recordings…
Is the Band of Brothers successor Masters of the Air worth it?
Bright blue sky, shiny steel and contrails that spread across the horizon like powdered sugar. If it weren’t for the danger of death, the picture could almost be described as…
“Masters of the Air”: where and when to watch the event war series?
Produced by Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, “Masters of the Air” is finally available for streaming. We explain to you how to see this spectacular new war series in France.…
The first reviews of Masters of the Air are extremely divided
Over 20 years ago, director Steven Spielberg and actor Tom Hanks produced Band of Brothers, the best war series of all time. In 2010, the indirect sequel The Pacific was…
Seb Larsson’s sawing in the Master of Masters: “Idiot thing”
The 16th season of Champions of Champions premieres on February 4, and this year is participating Johanna Ahlm (handball), Johanna Davidsson (adventure), Emma Johansson (bike), Sebastian Larsson (football), Joel Lundqvist…
Steven Spielberg’s massive new war series Masters of the Air starts streaming
After Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks filmed Saving Private Ryan in 1998, the two stars discovered their shared passion for chronicling World War II. This led to them subsequently creating…
MMORPG on Steam wants to have the action in hand at all times with game masters, shows new gameplay in the trailer
Eternal Tombs is a new MMORPG on Steam that wants to score points with a special concept. Now the developers are showing for the first time in a new trailer…