Tag: jam
Indie Games Group Türkiye Organizes Play Academy Study Jam
In the announcement made by Indie Games Group Türkiye on its official Linkedin page; “In order to bring together new and promising developers in Turkey” Play Academy Study Jam It…
Spotify introduced: “Jam, the new way to listen to music together”
Leader in the online music market SpotifyJam is the personalized way to listen to music together today. introduced. About this fun-looking new feature, Spotify said the following: “We think there…
Kütahya Game Jam 2023 with 25 Thousand TL Prize will be held on 6-7-8 October
Kütahya Game Jam, which was held for the first time last year, is taking firm steps towards becoming a tradition. Held on 13-14-15 May 2022 Kütahya Game Jam22’s Then, the…
100% Game Jam in Ankara on 13 – 15 October
In addition to Istanbul and Izmir, Ankara also leads the events organized in our country for game developers and designers. In this context, the game development event to be organized…
A jam in the printer was something COMPLETELY different
The computer warned with an error message, something Patrik Bergström interpreted as a problem with the printer. But it turned out to be a snake stuck in the printer. –…
Car flips over on A27, long traffic jam at Lunetten junction
Utrecht – A car flipped over on the A27 at the Lunetten junction this morning. According to a photographer on the scene, the driver was injured and taken to hospital.…
Almost 600 kilometers of Whitsun traffic jam, peak is yet to come
Before 2 p.m. in the afternoon there was almost 300 kilometers of traffic jam. A lot for that time, but according to the ANWB in line with expectations. “Most traffic…
The train jam will probably continue until this fall
Planning often changes at a late stage for the freight train company Green Cargo. According to the company, it is often the case that the Swedish Transport Administration, which manages…
The perpetrator got stuck in a traffic jam – threatened road workers with a gun
Published: Less than 10 min ago fullscreen The police technician at the murder scene. Photo: Reader image A man was shot to death in a parked car in Guldheden in…
France – Germany: when the mechanics jam
“When there is no longer an axis, everything is out of alignment!” warns an observer at the heart of European power. Far from being confined to the two banks of…