100% Game Jam in Ankara on 13 – 15 October

100 Game Jam in Ankara on 13 – 15 October

In addition to Istanbul and Izmir, Ankara also leads the events organized in our country for game developers and designers. In this context, the game development event to be organized under the sponsorship of Ankara Metropolitan Municipality. 100% Game Jam in Ankara It will be held between 13 and 15 October.

Last year “Turkish History GameJamThe event organized under the name “100% Gamejam” will be held this year as it is the 100th anniversary of the Republic. The theme of the event will be the 100th Anniversary of the Republic.

Game Developers meet at 100% Game Jam in Ankara. Ankara Metropolitan Municipality will provide sponsorship support for the event, which will be organized under the leadership of Başkent University YAKEM, TOGED (Turkish Game Developers Association), Bilkent CYBERPARK and TOBB Turkey Creative Industries Council.

100% Game Jam Where, When?

The event, which those who want to participate can apply until October 1, will be held at Ankara Technology Bridge Incubation Center between 13 – 14 – 15 October. Last year, ABB and Bilkent University and Bilkent CYBERPARK The center, which was transformed with the protocol signed between , will thus host an important event.

What are the Conditions for Participating in the Event? Is the Event Paid? Are There Any Prizes?

The 100% Game Jam to be held in Ankara will be sponsored by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality and will be completely free. In addition, participants also have the chance to win prizes.

Game development event Participating individually or as a team is completely optional. When participating as a team, teams can consist of a maximum of 4 people. Participants will bring their own equipment with them, equipment support will not be provided to participants in the organization. Likewise, participants must provide transportation personally.

game development The number of participants in the organization, which can be attended by anyone over the age of 18 who is interested in the field, is limited to 100 people. Therefore, it may be beneficial to rush to apply. You can apply for the 100% Game Jam event by filling out the form in the official link below. If there are 100 people who will be eligible to participate in the event, the event committee will notify the participants via e-mail or message. (It should be noted that for those who will participate as a team, each person in the team must apply separately).

For 100% Game Jam Application: bit.ly/3PAKfj2
