Tag: Intesa
Intermonte, Intesa Sanpaolo confirms Buy and revises estimates
(Finance) – Intesa Sanpaolo reduced to 3.50 euros per share (from 3.60) on target price on Intermonteindependent investment bank listed on Euronext Growth Milan and specialized in institutional brokerage, research,…
Intesa Sanpaolo, list of foundations confirms Gros-Pietro and Messina
(Finance) – The Foundations Compagnia di San Paolo, Cariplo, Cassa di Risparmio di Padova and Rovigo, Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze and Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna, members of the…
Intesa presents Glossary words of disability. Gros-Pietro: “Our commitment to inclusion”
(Finance) – The presentation of the Glossary “The right words – Media and people with disabilities” by Intesa Sanpaolo took place this afternoon in the Conference Room of Palazzo Theodoli.…
PNRR, Intesa Sanpaolo launches “Incent Now”
(Finance) – Intesa Sanpaolo launches the digital platform “Incent Now” and implements the business support And Italian entities interested in National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) with the purpose of…
CDP and Intesa Sanpaolo with SACE and SIMEST support Fincantieri for cruise terminal in North America
(Finance) – Under the banner of the enhancement of Made in Italy in the world, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti And Intesa Sanpaolo with SACE And SIMEST argue Fincantieri for the…
Ukraine: Intesa Sanpaolo donates 10 million euros
(Finance) – Intesa Sanpaolo has adopted an initiative aimed at donating 10 million euros to support measures of solidarity and hospitality towards the population of Ukraine. The action promoted by…
Contrast to usury, agreement Intesa Sp-Finetica
(Finance) – Prevent the wear phenomenon And the financial exclusion of individuals in economic difficulty: this is the purpose of the important agreement signed by Intesa Sanpaolo And the Onlus…
Banca Finnat, Intesa Sanpaolo raises target price and confirms BUY
(Finance) – Intesa Sanpaolo increased the target price on Finnat Bankcontrolled by the Nattino family and listed on Euronext STAR Milan, bringing it to € 0.50 (from € 0.47) and…
Digital banking, Intesa Sanpaolo: 40 million pounds in Thought Machine, Vault for the new platform
(Finance) – Intesa Sanpaolo identified in Thought Machinea UK-based core banking technology company, the ideal partner to bring its new platform to life digital banking. The investment of 40 million…
Intesa Sanpaolo rises to 17.5% of Bank Of Qingdao
(Finance) – Intesa Sanpaolo has increased its participation in Bank Of Qingdao from 13.85% to 17.50%, according to a statement from the Chinese bank. In the new 2025 plan presented…