Hera, in Castelfranco Emilia, continues experimentation with a methane-hydrogen mixture in the gas network
(Finance) – It has just ended Castelfranco Emilyin the province of Modena, the second phase of the experimentation relating to the use ofhydrogen in a city gas distribution network. This…
HERA brings the SCART project to Ecomondo: waste becomes “Portraits”
(Finance) – Il SCART projectborn over 25 years ago, is a concrete project capable of having a positive impact on recovery mentality and reuse. “SCART is the artistic and communication…
Hera, Lorenzo Minganti leaves the BoD
(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Heraa multiservice company listed on Euronext Milan, communicated that Lorenzo Mingantia non-executive and independent director, communicated his opinion resignation due to new professional commitments, with effect…
Hera Group, Agcm redetermines the fine
(Finance) – In compliance with the sentence of the Council of State theCompetition and Market Guarantor Authority redetermined the amount of the pecuniary sanction imposed ad HERA and ad Herambiente…
Hera, BoD deems the current number of directors adequate
(Finance) – The board of directors Of Heramultiservice listed on Euronext Milan, considers the current number of 15 directors to be “adequate overall”.taking into account the size and complexity of…
Hera, Iacono: conservative financial leverage will make it possible to seize opportunities
(Finance) – “Our development strategy envisaged in the Plan rests on solid foundations and is aimed at achieving greater levels of efficiency, enhancing all managed services and increase the resilience…
Bollette, Hera: Antitrust revokes precautionary measures after clarifications
(Finance) – The Agcm “has taken note of the clarifications provided”. He writes it Herain a note, referring to the notice of revocation of the precautionary measure against the Group…
Hera and ACR create the first national operator in remediation and global service activities
(Finance) – The Group Hera, through the subsidiary Herambiente Servizi Industriali (HASI), today signed a binding agreement for a long-term partnership which provides for theacquisition of 60% of Reggiani Albertino’s…
HERA, half year profit of 201.7 million euros, is affected by extraordinary items
(Finance) – In the first half of 2022, HERA reported a net profit of 201.7 million eurosdown from 231.1 million in the first half of 2021, including special items for…
ENEL, collaboration between Gridspertise and Hera Group for the smart grids of the future is underway
(Finance) – Gridspertisethe Enel Group company dedicated to the digital transformation of electrical networks, and the Hera Group, one of the major Italian multi-utilities, have signed a collaboration agreement aimed…