Tag: GDP
GDP 2024, Cavallari (UpB): Government estimate “challenging but achievable”
(Finance) – Government estimates of GDP contained in the maneuver “These are important objectives, +0.8% this year will probably be marginally revised towards +0.7% while regarding the real growth target…
Ethical banks, more solid and profitable than the “big to fail” ones: they generate 5 percent of the EU’s GDP
(Finance) – Generating, through their activities and investments, 5 percent of the Union’s GDP, the 22 European ethical banks are more profitable than the main European banking giants, more solid,…
GDP falls in September
In the third quarter, GDP was almost unchanged compared to the previous quarter according to the new figures. “The Swedish economy slowed somewhat towards the end of the third quarter…
In the South, the utilities supply chain is worth 4.2% of GDP
(Finance) – It was presented today in Bari Southern report by Utilitalia and Svimez, which evaluates the economic and employment impacts of the utility sector (environmental, water and energy) in…
GDP, PBO: “It will grow by 0.8% in 2023. Medium-term downside risks”
(Finance) – “The international context, already fragile in recent years, sees an increase in factors of instability with the resurgence of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the consequent rekindling of tensions…
Bank of Italy cuts GDP estimates. Growth of 0.7% in 2023 and only 0.8% in 2024
(Finance) – “In the second quarter growth remained solid in the United Stateswhile GDP slowed markedly in China, also due to the real estate crisis. Global economic activity decelerated in…
The incidence of public spending on healthcare on GDP is decreasing: -1.2 percentage points in 5 years
(Finance) – Based on a technical forecast table of Nadefthe incidence of expense for the healthcare in 5 years it will fall from 7.4% in 2020 to 6.2% in 2025…
Enpaia Forum, Pichetto Fratin: “agriculture is an important productive sector for the country with a significant contribution to GDP”
(Finance) – Role ofagriculture in the economic and social development of the country at the center of the Enpaia 2023 Forum on the theme “Economy and Society. Scenarios and prospects”…
Inflation, GDP… The Banque de France’s outlook for the end of the year
The outlook is encouraging if we compare them to our German neighbors… A slowdown but not a “recession”: the French economy should slow down in the third quarter while continuing…
Unexpected GDP lift for Norway
Both the market and the Norwegian central bank, Norges Bank, had expected an unchanged GDP figure for July compared to the month before. At the same time, SSB revises up…