Tag: exchange
Inflation, Istat confirms February prices at the top since 1995
(Finance) – In February, for the eighth consecutive month, inflation accelerates, reaching a level (+ 5.7%) which had not been registered since November 1995. It is the prices of unregulated…
Road haulage, from Mims the proposal for an agreement: for now the national stop has been averted
(Finance) – At the table on road transport, the Deputy Minister for Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility, Teresa Bellanova, presented the proposal for a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government and…
Generali, Caltagirone proposes internal Cirinà AD and Costamagna president
(Finance) – 24 hours after that of the outgoing board of directors, there is also the list by Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone for the renewal of the board of General. VM…
Moretta (accountants): “I take the field for the national presidency”
(Finance) – “The 120,000 Italian accountants in this historical moment do not need new pioneers, but they need to affirm a new tradition. This is why I take the field,…
Il Sole 24 ORE, growing revenues. Negative result for restructuring charges
(Finance) – The board of directors of The sun 24 hours, a publishing group listed on Euronext Milan, has approved the draft financial statements at 31 December 2021 and the…
REVO, Claudio Costamagna resigns as chairman and Board of Directors
(Finance) – REVOthe SPAC promoted last year by Alberto Minali and Claudio Costamagna, announced that Claudio Costamagnanon-executive and non-independent director, has submitted the resignation from the office of Director and…
Farmaceutica confirms its social and strategic role in Italy
(Finance) – The FAB13that is, and 13 Pharmaceutical companies with Italian capital adhering to Farmindustriaconfirm a social and strategic role for the Italian economy: 12.5 billion in turnover, 1.2 billion…
MFE, OPAS on Mediaset España for the most international group
(Finance) – The Board of Directors of MFE-MEDIAFOREUROPE (formerly Mediaset, which now exchanges MFE A And MFE B) approved the launch of a public purchase and exchange offer (OPAS) on…
Telco, the Luiss BS-WINDTRE studio: a policy for the sector is urgently needed
(Finance) – The report “The Telco sector in Italy: regulatory framework and impact analysis“, realized by Luiss Business School and supported by WINDTRE. The report, the result of a research…
Ukraine, US ok for 13 billion in aid. A meeting in person Biden-Zelenski is planned
(Finance) – “The invasion of Putin of Ukraine united us in America and in the world. “These are the words used by Joe Biden he commended the bipartisan effort of…