MFE, OPAS on Mediaset España for the most international group

MFE OPAS on Mediaset Espana for the most international group

(Finance) – The Board of Directors of MFE-MEDIAFOREUROPE (formerly Mediaset, which now exchanges MFE A And MFE B) approved the launch of a public purchase and exchange offer (OPAS) on the actions of Mediaset España Comunicación SA. The operation, explains a note from the Cologno Monzese group, allows MFE to become “immediately more international and more European“and to the shareholders of Mediaset España to” exchange their shares with those of a new company devoted to international development both in television and in technology “. synergies estimated for a total of 55 million euros over 4 years (corresponding to a net present value of approximately 340 million euros).

The offer price is € 5.613 per share, of which: an equity component of 4.5 ordinary shares category A MFE-MEDIAFOREUROPE corresponding to euro 3.753 for each Mediaset España Comunicación SA share (9 ordinary shares category A MFEMEDIAFOREUROPE NV for every 2 Mediaset España shares); a cash component of € 1.860 for each Mediaset España share.

The offer it concerns 44.31% of capital company of Mediaset Espana and is subordinated to a minimum acceptance threshold 90% of the shares object of the offer, corresponding to approximately 95.6% of the total capital of the company and the approval by the shareholders’ meeting of MFE-MEDIAFOREUROPE.

“The idea of strengthen geographical areas in which MFE-MEDIAFOREUROPE is already a leader, Italy and Spain, has always been at the basis of the creation of the pan-European television holding – commented the CEO Pier Silvio Berlusconi – And with this operation we will create new growth opportunities for all shareholders and in particular for the shareholders of Mediaset España Comunicación “.

“Indeed, after a long interruption due to known differences with the shareholder Vivenditoday we propose to start with the first industrial and economic-financial rationalization of the new group – he added – An operation that will increase the resources and dimensions for our development with the aim of obtaining further international growth “.” At the same time, in fact, MFE-MEDIAFOREUROPE also continues to invest in German TV ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE confirming its vision of strengthening the European media industry “, highlighted Berlusconi.
