Generali, Caltagirone proposes internal Cirinà AD and Costamagna president

Generali cuts ties with Russia Exposure is marginal

(Finance) – 24 hours after that of the outgoing board of directors, there is also the list by Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone for the renewal of the board of General. VM 2006 Srl, a company belonging to the group of the Roman entrepreneur, has resolved to present its own list of candidates for the renewal of the leadership of the Lion of Thersite. For the role of CEO was proposed Luciano Cirinàa manager from Trieste who has been managing all Eastern Europe of the Generali group for years and “is considered by many within the company to be the successor of the current CEO”, reads the note of the company to which the Caltagirone share belongs. Claudio Costamagnaformer Goldman Sachs and former president of CDP, is indicated instead for the presidency.

In the note, Caltagirone himself, Marina Brogi, Flavio Cattaneo, Roberta Neri, Alberto Cribiore, Maria Varsellona, ​​Paola Schwizer, Andrea Scrosati, Stefano Marsaglia, Nicoletta Montella, Patrizia Michela Giangualano are indicated as directors. With the exception of Francesco Gaetano Caltagirone, none of the candidates is a representative of shareholders or connected to shareholders, nor was he present on the previous board of administration.

“The selected profiles express a diversified set of experiences, knowledge and skills, gained in national and international organizational and operational contexts of equal complexity, able to better understand the company’s activities, perspectives and risks – explains the press release – The list of candidates it is particularly balanced because it is composed of 6 women and 7 men 46% and 54% respectively. The list is also characterized by a high number of independent directors: 85% in fact have the characteristics of independence“.
