Tag: doctor
If it takes longer than 20 seconds, it’s a big problem! Run to the doctor right away
Most of us don’t think twice about how much time we spend on the toilet. However, experts urged him to consider the ’21 second rule’. A team of researchers from…
Never seen like this! He couldn’t smile for years because of his naturally transparent teeth.
Mihaley Olivia Grace Schlegel, 19 years old living in the USA, was born with congenital brittle bone disease. Due to this disease, she started to see her teeth transparent over…
World famous doctor challenged! “It’s all lies”
One by one, the health myths practiced by many around the world have collapsed. One of Britain’s most beloved names, Dr. Sara Kayat listed the mistakes that everyone knows to…
Everyone is doing it! Do not keep it, it has very dangerous consequences
Gas extraction is among the subjects that society is most ashamed of and concealed. People hide that they pass gas. However, according to studies, everyone produces gas 14 times a…
New doctor set to open Woodstock practice
A new doctor will be starting her family practice in Woodstock later this month. Dr. Sarah Davies, who completed her doctor of medicine and post-graduate family medicine training at London’s…
It is very common! Don’t be trivial, thyroid nodules are a cancer risk
Thyroid nodules are abnormal lumps or masses of different structures and sizes that occur within the thyroid tissue. Thyroid nodules, which are very common in the community, are usually harmless.…
There is no cure! Consult your doctor if you have these symptoms
The increase in West Nile Virus cases in Greece caused concern for the Aegean and Marmara Regions. After the news of the West Nile Virus, which caused loss of life…
It’s been misunderstood: If you want to lose weight, stay away from them!
The food we eat affects both our appearance and our health. Many people in society struggle with being overweight. If you are having difficulty reaching your ideal weight, it may…
Doubting your doctor increases the pain felt
News Published on 08/31/2022 at 4:20 p.m. Updated 08/31/2022 at 4:20 p.m. Reading 2 mins. in collaboration with Dr. Marc Lévêque (Neurosurgery – Pain) A new study reveals that trust…
Trusting your doctor or not would influence our perception of pain
You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Reduce pain with a magnetic field? In this Inserm video, from the “Black Box” series, pain is presented as a nervous process controlled…