Everyone is doing it! Do not keep it, it has very dangerous consequences

Everyone is doing it Do not keep it it has

Gas extraction is among the subjects that society is most ashamed of and concealed. People hide that they pass gas. However, according to studies, everyone produces gas 14 times a day on average. Making a statement on TikTok, Dr Karan Raj stated that you should never hold your incoming gas. Dr. Raj jokingly said, “If someone tells you they don’t fart, they’re lying and you should reject them right away, or they have a medical emergency of bowel obstruction.” said.


He explained that the average fart volume is enough to fill a medium-sized balloon. Dr. “If you hold the gas for too long, it can be reabsorbed into your bloodstream and inhaled when you exhale,” cautioned Raj. This can cause your breath to smell pretty bad. In addition, holding gas causes abdominal bloating and pain. Professor Clare Collins, a nutrition and dietetics expert at Newcastle University, said holding on for too long means the buildup of intestinal gas will eventually escape via an uncontrollable fart.


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Dr Karan explained: “The first gas of the day is usually the largest. 75 percent of farts are produced by bacteria in the large intestine. Undivided digestive food is chewed by bacteria that produces microscopic farts, and these accumulate before they become your normal farts. 25 percent of farts are swallowed air that you don’t burp. and dissolved gas comes from blood making its way into your intestines.99 percent of farts are non-smelling gases such as hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane.


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Your gas is flammable due to the effect of hydrogen and methane. Although not recommended, it is possible to set your gas on fire. He said one percent of smelling farts are volatile sulfur compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide. “A fart sound is a combination of anal sphincter vibrations and butt cheeks pounding together. “If you hold your fart, you can cause heartburn, bloating and pain,” says Dr Faraz. Gas can come out as a smelly burp and make your breath smell. “Imagine burping that smells like a fart.”
