Tag: Debate of the day
Why is it so difficult to overcome child abuse?
In recent days, at the end of its first year of work, the Independent Commission on Incest and Sexual Violence Against Children (Ciivise) delivered its interim conclusions with a view…
Purchasing power, marker of inequalities?
This is the number 1 concern of the French and therefore the first campaign theme of the presidential candidates: four days before the first round, the question of purchasing power…
Do consulting firms rule France?
Debate of the day ” If there is evidence of manipulation, let it go to the criminal », defends himself yesterday (Sunday March 27, 2022) Emmanuel Macron to those who…
Special broadcast with three 2022 presidential candidates
Less than three weeks before the first round of the presidential election, a special program with three presidential candidates. Advertising With : Dieynaba Diopspokesperson for Socialist Party and D’Anne HidalgoDeputy…
Will there be a presidential campaign?
“The war in Ukraine crushes everything”. A month and a day before the first round of the presidential election in France, candidate Valérie Pécresse summarized the difficulties of the current…
Should the children of French jihadists detained in Syria be repatriated?
This is a delicate and unprecedented question facing the French government. Should the children of French jihadists detained in Syria be repatriated? France responds on a “case by case” basis…
Can Valérie Pécresse take flight?
” Catastrophic », « A shipwreck “. Many comments are scathing the day after Valérie Pécresse’s first big meeting, less than two months before the presidential election. 7,000 people gathered…
Will social networks make the presidential election?
Today, like yesterday and like tomorrow, each of us will have looked at the screen of our mobile phone 221 times. Or twenty times every hour. How much time will…
How to talk about radical Islam in France?
The case continues to grow: an investigation has been opened for death threats against the journalist of the French program “Forbidden Zone”, Ophélie Meunier. The latter was placed under police…
Should Schengen be reformed?
Continuation of our monthly debates on the occasion of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. This evening, we are talking about the Schengen area made up…