Tag: crime
Amnesty: Theater bombing constitutes war crime | SVT News
The bombing of a theater in the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol in March was a war crime. Amnesty International draws that conclusion in a new report. But it is…
War in Ukraine: the G7 denounces a Russian “war crime” in Kremenchuk
The devastating Russian strike against a shopping center in Kremenchuk on Monday, in central Ukraine, killed no less than eighteen civilians, according to a new report from the authorities issued…
Big bets against crime – must not share information: “Whale pork”
In February, just over six months before the election, Minister of Housing and Deputy Minister of Labor Johan Danielsson (S) presented the initiative for regional centers against work crime. He…
Shooting in Oslo is being investigated as a terrorist crime
After the night’s fatal shooting in Oslo, Saturday’s Pride parade in the city is canceled. – We are shaken and have been told by the police that all events are…
Inglot denies the crime – has a name at another home
SD’s top name in Stockholm, Martin Inglot, 34, says that he lives and is registered with his mother in Botkyrka municipality. But his name is written in three different places…
Not showing a nude scene with Chris Hemsworth would be ‘a crime against humanity’
A few days ago, Thor 4: Love and Thunder received an official age rating (PG-13) in the USA. This does not differ from most other Marvel films, but waits in…
In Canada, the plan to freeze the possession of handguns deemed insufficient
Gun violence is not just a problem in the United States. Canada, a neighbor to the north, is also seeing an increase in the number of shootings. A few days…
Swedish man linked to giant sexual crime ring in Thailand
Thousands of young Thai girls are said to have been abused online. It is described as one of the largest sex offenses ever in Thailand, according to reports. A young…
McDonald’s pays 1.25 billion euros to avoid lawsuits in France
French justice suspects the brand, in the crosshairs of the tax authorities since 2014, of having artificially reduced its profits in France from 2009 by means of royalties for the…
Compensation for sex crimes in the Church: “We are faced with something very confusing”
The creation in 2021 of the Independent National Authority for Recognition and Reparation (Inirr), a structure set up following the Sauvé report for the compensation of victims of sexual crimes,…