15-year-old detained for serious weapons crime

15 year old detained for serious weapons crime

Published: Less than 20 min ago

full screen A 15-year-old boy is in custody on suspicion of attempted armed robbery in Orminge in Nacka. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

A 15-year-old boy tried to get over another person’s watch in Orminge, but something went wrong and shots were fired.

The teenager is now in custody with certain restrictions on suspicion of, among other things, serious weapons offences, Upsala Nya Tidning (UNT) writes.

In connection with an attempted robbery in Orminge in Nacka municipality last week, a 15-year-old boy was arrested.

Several people witnessed the incident where the teenager tried to get over another person’s watch by threatening him with a weapon. But the robbery probably did not go as planned when shots were fired.

The boy was then overpowered by people nearby who held him until the police arrived.

– Based on what the witnesses have told, the intention was not to shoot at anyone, but it was a mistake, therefore the categorization will cause danger to others, because there was a risk that others could be injured, says Lukas Tigerstrand, chamber prosecutor, to UNT.

The teenager is also suspected of attempted aggravated robbery and aggravated weapon possession, and is now in custody with certain restrictions, including that he may not access letters or the internet or receive visits from anyone other than family and social services.

Under normal circumstances, offenders this young should be transferred to a so-called SIS home as soon as possible, the newspaper writes, but according to the prosecutor, the boy will remain in custody:

– I assess that the risk is very high that, if he is released from custody, he will try to destroy evidence or influence the investigation and therefore he will remain, he says, to UNT.
