Tag: Covid19
Covid-19: Olivier Véran announces the opening of the second booster dose for over 60s
News Posted 15 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. Invited to our colleagues from RTL this Thursday, April 7, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran wants to be encouraging as to…
Vaccinated 87 times against Covid-19, the German was arrested
News Posted 10 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. A man living in Germany has been vaccinated nearly 90 times against Covid-19 in order to sell his vaccination certificates to antivax.…
Covid-19: 4th dose for people over 60, blood clots… Update on the pandemic
The number of Covid-19 contaminations in France is stabilizing but the number of people hospitalized positive for the coronavirus continues to increase, according to the latest figures published by Public…
Covid-19: Is it possible that people will never catch Covid?
News Posted on 04/06/2022 at 4:15 p.m., Reading 2 mins. in collaboration with Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo) After two years of pandemic, some have still not contracted…
Eligibility expanded for fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccine
Eligibility for a fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccine expands Thursday to include Ontario residents over the age of 60, along with First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples and their non-Indigenous…
BCHS reports 10 COVID-19 patients in care
The Brant Community Healthcare System on Wednesday reported 10 COVID-19 patients in hospital, up one from Monday. One patient is in intensive care. Of the patients admitted to hospital, 125…
Covid-19: ANSM rejects the use of fluvoxamine as a curative treatment
News Posted 7 hours ago, Reading 2 mins. The National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products was contacted at the end of last January, in a compassionate…
XE, the new hybrid mutant of Covid-19, is a recombinant! What is known about XE, the hybrid mutant of Covid-19
The identification of a new variant resulting from the fusion of BA.1 and BA.2, subtypes of the Omicron variant, raises concerns in healthcare circles. The World Health Organization (WHO) has…
Covid-19: better immune protection for people who are both infected and vaccinated
News Published 18 hours ago, Reading 1 min. The people best protected against Covid-19 are those who have both been vaccinated and infected, show two studies published Friday April 1…
Covid-19: WHO considers three scenarios for the continuation of the epidemic
News Posted 2 days ago, Reading 2 mins. In its new plan to fight Covid 19, the World Health Organization is developing three scenarios, including one that envisages the arrival…