Tag: coronavirus
What is the Nu variant, does it kill? What are the symptoms of the coronavirus (Omicron) Nu variant?
The symptoms and details of the “Nu” variant, known as the emerging new mutation of Covid-19, became a matter of curiosity. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced that due to the…
Sophie In t ‘Veld reacts to the new wave of Covid
Dutch MEP Sophie In t ‘Veld is our guest this week. This long-time member of the Renew group, elected to the European Parliament, is very vigilant on all issues related…
European Commission’s call to EU members: Travel to countries with a new coronavirus variant should be banned
Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, called on all European Union (EU) member countries to ban travel to all countries where the “B.1.1.529 variant” of the coronavirus,…
the latest measures to avoid congestion in hospitals
In France, 32,500 new cases of Covid-19 contamination have been identified in the past 24 hours. To deal with this situation, the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, announced new measures…
Covid-19: 3rd dose of vaccine, “logistical aspects should not be a brake”
To face the 5th wave that is raging in France and ” save the holiday season “, The government is betting on accelerating the booster dose. The Minister of Health…
the prefect of Martinique establishes a curfew “until calm is restored”
The prefect of Martinique, in the French Antilles, decided Thursday, November 25 to establish a curfew in the face of nighttime urban violence in the island, which, like its neighbor…
few cases but worrying contagiousness
Published on : 11/26/2021 – 12:37Modified : 11/26/2021 – 12:39 A team of South African scientists announced Thursday, November 25 the discovery of a new variant of Covid-19. The variant…
The handling of the health crisis by Viktor Orban worries the Hungarians
Published on : 11/26/2021 – 09:07 While Austria is reconfiguring its entire population for 3 weeks, on the other side of the border, in Viktor Orbán’s Hungary, no restriction measures…
US-Mexico border between Tijuana and San Diego reopened for tourists
Published on : 11/26/2021 – 11:36Modified : 11/26/2021 – 11:38 In Tijuana, the excitement has resumed as before the pandemic since the reopening of the American land border a few…
Coronavirus panic in Shanghai! Banned – World News
According to official data released today by the National Health Commission (NHC), three cases of coronavirus were detected in Shanghai, which did not come from abroad and whose symptoms were…