Tag: coronavirus
Argentina in turn hit by surge in Omicron cases
The country records on average more than 100,000 new contaminations per day, with a positivity rate which rises up to 70%, more than any other country in the world. As…
the vaccination pass definitively adopted by Parliament
The French Parliament definitively adopted on Sunday, by a last vote of the deputies, the bill establishing the vaccination pass, which the government wants to implement as quickly as possible…
In the spotlight: Christiane Taubira presidential candidate 2022
“ Could the wind be changing direction? ” asks himself The Sunday Journal. While the vaccination pass will apply in a few days, this weekly, Ifop poll in support, reports…
Coronavirus in Gabon: timid resumption of cultural activities
In Gabon, cultural life is gradually resuming. Thanks to the increase in the number of people vaccinated, the government serves the vice a little. Friday, January 14, the French Institute…
The British press is already talking about a replacement for Prime Minister Boris Johnson
The revelations accumulate day after day in the United Kingdom and the descent into hell of Boris Johnson seems endless. In the British press, there is already speculation about the…
the government is putting more and more pressure on the unvaccinated
In France, between 500,000 and 700,000 people will lose their health pass this Saturday, January 15, for lack of having received their booster dose. They had seven months after their…
child vaccination starts in Brazil
An 8-year-old boy received his first dose at an official ceremony on Friday January 14. Ten million doses are to be administered from Monday despite anti-vax criticism from President Bolsonaro,…
Covid-19: “70% of French people say they have sleep problems”
No more passes without a 3rd dose. Today in France, tens of thousands of sanitary passes are deactivated, for lack of a booster shot. The vaccine pass is in second…
Continuing to bring culture to life in China, South Korea, the United States and Ireland
For two years, the world of culture has been very impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. The “Correspondents’ World Tour” takes us on an inventory of the situation in China, South…
Covid-19 screening tests now chargeable
In Gabon, the screening test against Covid-19 is no longer free. It is now paid. This is what is written in a government decree adopted a week ago by the…