Tag: CNV
Youth care negotiations collapsed, plans for mass protest in Utrecht
Cutbacks, safety and high workload, among other things, have been hindering youth care for years. The supply is full, according to the unions. “In the last seven years, youth care…
Employees of timber companies in the Utrecht region are striking over ‘wrong’ wage increases
Bunnik – Employees of timber trading companies in the region are striking in Bunnik today. According to CNV Vakmensen, an error was made in the calculation of the wage increase.…
Petition must put an end to unpaid internships: ‘Hardly to combine with a side job’
Utrecht – There should be a compulsory internship allowance for all students as soon as possible, according to CNV Jongeren, Try the Union of CNV and the Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg…
These employees with an occupational disability went on strike in Utrecht today: ‘Everyone gets an extra wage, we don’t get anything’
The trade unions FNV and CNV are firmly behind the eight thousand strikers from social work companies. Kitty Jong, vice-chairman of the FNV: “Why do ordinary civil servants and people…
Public transport strikes are canceled this week: the parties continue to talk
Originally, the idea was to conclude the talks last Friday. But even then, FNV and CNV indicated that they needed more time, after which the consultations continued this weekend. The…
Double strike benefits remain possible for FNV and CNV members
It is not clear exactly why the union is making a turn. The union officials involved and spokesperson for CNV could not be reached for comment. It is possible that…
CNV issues an ultimatum to Douwe Egberts: ‘There is a good chance that the factory in Utrecht will go down’
Utrecht – The CNV union has issued an ultimatum to coffee and tea company Jacobs Douwe Egberts (JDE), which includes Douwe Egberts and Pickwick. Actions will follow if the company…
PostNL will continue to discuss the collective labor agreement with the CNV and BVPP trade unions
Utrecht – PostNL and trade unions CNV and BVPP are going to talk again to come to a new collective labor agreement. These unions unanimously rejected a last offer from…