Tag: choice
“I had no choice”: Lorie had her uterus removed to stop suffering
Lorie Pester, who has suffered from endometriosis since the age of 30, had to make a radical decision by having a hysterectomy. Guest on the Buzz TV set at FigaroTV…
Ambulance nurse Jonah in Gällivare has resigned: “Gives us no choice”
From the first of October, there will only be one ambulance in operation in the evenings and nights in Gällivare. – No one really wants to resign, but we are…
Football: Andy Diouf explains his choice of France rather than Senegal
Andy Diouf, born to a Senegalese father and a French mother, preferred to favor the call of Thierry Henry and the Bleuets rather than that of Senegal for the international…
Episode 1 – he had no other choice
Many fans take Star Wars very seriously, especially when the franchise doesn’t continue the way they want. But in every fan there is also a child who wants to conquer…
Eirin is confident with her choice: Would not have been happy otherwise
For Eirin, the medical treatment meant a convenience. He is disappointed with the twisted debate that exists around trans care – and wants to nuance the picture. – I would…
The remarkable choice of Jordy Hilterman: ‘I haven’t regretted it for a moment’
Nevertheless, with all due respect for Eemdijk, Hilterman seems to be taking a step back. From the education of a professional club, via Koninklijke HFC and two large bulb clubs…
Sarah Sjöström reveals unexpected plans during the World Cup – the explanation for the odd choice: “Very happy with it”
Sarah Sjöström steps into a new WC.But this year she makes an unexpected choice – and stands above a given medal chance.– I like that arrangement, she says. Before last…
The government wants to scrap the student’s choice
The government proposes in a legislative council referral that the student’s choice of subjects in primary school, special school and Sami school be removed completely. The aim is to free…
Baldur’s Gate 3 gives you the choice of which genitalia you want your character to have
The character editor of Baldur’s Gate 3 (Steam) gives you the possibility to freely define your genitals, body types and pronouns. Baldur’s Gate 3 will be released on August 3rd…
Senegal: rivalries and fight within the majority on the choice of the dolphin of Macky Sall
The suspense continues at the APR party over the candidate who will represent power in the Senegalese presidential election, scheduled for February 2024. The head of state, Macky Sall, announced…