Tag: canan
Canan Karatay spoke assertively! Formula to quit smoking
Drawing attention to the importance of rock salt in every statement she made, Canan Karatay gave important information about rock salt in her special statements to the newspaper Akşam. In…
A drug-like suggestion from Canan Karatay: It cuts knee and joint pain, prevents osteoporosis!
prof. Dr. Karatay said, “You can eat cheese as much as you want. I say as much as the palm of your hand. Why do I say as much as…
Canan Karatay announced the most important foods to be consumed! No trotter soup among them
prof. Dr. Canan Karatay made special statements to Melis Bakangöz from 24 TV about her new book. Canan Karatay gave information about her new book; He stated that he shared…
Canan Karatay recommendation: Perfect for headache and hunger! To prevent gas, bloating and constipation…
prof. Dr. We brought together Canan Karatay’s healthy eating suggestions for iftar and sahur. Canan Karatay, who stated that the cause of headaches close to iftar in Ramadan was not…
Canan Karatay broke the game: There is no life without salt! Without olives we are slaves
prof. Dr. Canan Karatay was a guest on Ferda Yıldırım’s YouTube channel. Referring to the importance of crystal rock salt for our health and immune system, Prof. Dr. Canan Karatay…
Canan Karatay: Same as mother’s milk! Drink it, add it to meals or put it in salads…
prof. Dr. Canan Karatay’s healthy eating recommendations are followed by everyone. Explaining the benefits of olive oil in every program or social media, Canan Karatay supports a healthy life against…
Canan Karatay: You won’t get sick if you eat these three
Professor of Heart and Internal Diseases, Canan Karatay, is followed closely by those who fast especially during Ramadan. Those who want to consume healthy foods in iftar and sahur search…
Iftar advice from Canan Karatay for fasting diabetics
The diet of diabetics should be different. So, what should fasting diabetics eat at iftar? Here are the recommendations of Canan Karatay… CANAN KARATAY RECOMMENDATIONS SPECIAL FOR DIABETES Fasting can…
A warning from Canan Karatay: The radiation cloud passed over us
Canan Karatay, a Turkish physician, Professor of Heart and Internal Diseases, former Rector of Istanbul Bilim University and faculty member of the Departments of Internal Diseases and Cardiology, specialist in…
Breakfast suggestion from Canan Karatay! Every morning, a handful of…
prof. Dr. Everything that Canan Karatay suggests gets all the attention. Karatay explained one by one what should be consumed for breakfast, which is the most important meal of the…