Tag: bacterium
Flesh-eating bacteria alert in the USA! The effects are frightening: 65 cases were detected, 11 people died! This is how it enters the body…
In the USA, which has had a hard time with viruses such as coronavirus and monkeypox in the last 3 years, this time a flesh-eating bacteria alarm has been issued.…
The poison is spreading from your kitchen! You may not realize it, but it’s a big risk
Microbes that cause diseases such as Salmonella can be transmitted very easily. In order to be protected from these microbes, extra attention should be paid to hygiene. Salmonella is generally…
Do not underestimate dental health: It causes such a disease… You will be surprised.
People who suffer from toothache know that this pain is much more painful than other pains. There are a wide variety of dental diseases that cause a significant decrease in…
Everyone is doing it! Do not keep it, it has very dangerous consequences
Gas extraction is among the subjects that society is most ashamed of and concealed. People hide that they pass gas. However, according to studies, everyone produces gas 14 times a…
It jumped to the world-famous chocolate company! Closed due to suspicion of bacteria
After the Italy-based Ferrero chocolate company, Mondelez company closed 3 production sites on suspicion of salmonelle bacteria. After the Italy-based Ferrero chocolate company, the suspicion of salmonella bacteria spread to…
The results are much worse than expected! They’re everywhere: you’ll never reach out again! The best method is…
A scientist who set out to investigate whether hand dryers can infect your hands with bacteria has uncovered terrible facts. Taking samples from hand dryers in various locations in Utah,…
‘It’s never cleaned enough’: Disgusting footage
You will not hide your surprise when you see hidden bacteria and mites in the filter of the washing machine. A user on the social media platform TikTok focused on…
Experts warn! Not paying attention to cleanliness can cause you to get sick
Cleaning of teeth affects both social relations and health. Teeth that are not cleaned adequately lead to many diseases. New products for dental health are emerging every day. Although electric…
Bacterial panic in the world-famous chocolate factory! Sales suspended
Salmonella bacteria were detected in the factory of Barry Callebaut, one of the world’s leading chocolate producers, in Belgium. SALES STOPPED In a written statement from the company, it was…
The world’s largest bacterium detected – visible to the naked eye
Researchers have discovered what they believe is the world’s largest bacterium and it challenges prevailing theories about bacteria. Bacteria can usually only be seen under a microscope, but this giant…