The poison is spreading from your kitchen! You may not realize it, but it’s a big risk

The poison is spreading from your kitchen You may not

Microbes that cause diseases such as Salmonella can be transmitted very easily. In order to be protected from these microbes, extra attention should be paid to hygiene. Salmonella is generally thought to be transmitted from food eaten outside. However, cleaning mistakes that are overlooked while cooking at home can cause diseases such as salmonella. Researchers at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, found that spice utensils are the most contaminated kitchen utensil after cooking.


In one experiment, nearly half of the spice containers were found to be contaminated after someone used them in cooking. This is because many forget to clean their spice utensils after cleaning dishes and utensils. These containers can easily become contaminated when handled after touching chicken, turkey or any other contaminated product.

Microbes found in 48 percent

They recruited 317 adults to cook the same turkey burger in different sized kitchens. Some used a small apartment-sized space, while others had a large industrial kitchen to work in. Participants were not informed that their kitchen areas would be later tested for contamination. Kitchens were then cleaned to test for the presence of Salmonella. The object with the most common contamination was spice containers. In about half of them, 48 percent of them found the substance.


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Only more than 20 percent of the soap dispensers were found to be contaminated. No other objects were contaminated in more than one of five simulations. Dr Donald Schaffner, one of the study’s co-authors at Rutgers, explained that many home chefs may forget to wipe the utensils after use. “In addition to more obvious surfaces like cutting boards, trash can lids, and refrigerator handles, there’s one more thing to consider when trying to stay clean and hygienic in your kitchen,” she said.


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Our research shows that any seasoning container you touch while preparing raw meat can be cross-contaminated. ‘You’ll want to be conscious of this during or after meal preparation.’ Salmonella is the most common foodborne illness. Bacterial infection is usually transmitted through poultry.
While not every poultry product carries bacteria, it’s often enough that experts warn about undercooked poultry.


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When properly cooked, bacteria on meat are killed. The CDC reports 1.35 million cases per year, although most are mild or asymptomatic. More than 25,000 are serious enough to require hospitalization, and bacterial infections are responsible for 420 deaths per year. In order to prevent salmonella disease transmitted from the kitchen, it is necessary to thoroughly clean every product used after cooking.


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Approximately 12-72 hours after the Salmonella bacteria is taken into the body, symptoms of the disease appear in the form of diarrhea, fever, nausea, vomiting and abdominal cramps. The illness usually lasts 4-7 days, and most people recover without treatment. In some people, diarrhea may be severe enough to require hospitalization. The disease is more serious in the elderly, infants and people with compromised immune systems.
