Zoëy about the buzzard: ‘The most common bird of prey in the Netherlands is having a hard time’
When you think of such a common bird of prey, you naturally think “it’s all over the place, you see it everywhere”, but when Eddy goes out into the forest…
Serious biting incident in Baarn: rider and horse injured by stray dog
The rider fell off the horse during the biting incident and had to be rushed to hospital. No further information has been released about his or her condition. The horse…
Gul Dolap-Yavuz takes over informal caregivers’ tasks and makes their lives easier
According to De Haan, people who register for the training usually already have experience from their previous career, and they are often familiar with caring for a loved one. Informal…
No homes at Soestdijk Palace, owners focus on restoration
Part of the Made by Holland plan was the construction of 98 homes on the former military police grounds on the estate and a hotel on the other side of…
Danger for honey bees in the Eemland: the Asian hornet is inevitably advancing
“Terrible,” says Baarn beekeeper Frank Moens. “You have to deal with it, but you can’t really do anything about it.” Moens has a number of beehives on Ocrieteiland in the…
Digital form should combat drug crime among young people in Baarn
Baarn – Residents of Baarn can now report striking behavior of young people via a digital form. In this way, the municipality wants to tackle exploitation harder. Research showed last…
Ticket sales for Royal Park Live at Soestdijk Palace have started, but a permit is not self-evident
Royal Park Live Royal Park Live is a concert series that has been held every year in the front garden of Soestdijk Palace since 2016. For this year’s edition –…
Baarn rottweiler Obbe died after 15 stab wounds: ‘He has suffered enough’
The police investigation is currently ongoing. The suspect has reported himself. He has now been heard and is back home. According to the police, a fight between the dogs got…
Baarn buys the right to build in Bosje van IJsendijk, local residents sharpen the knives
Tino Schouten spoke out in favor of Miss Van IJsendijk’s old wishes and the later purchased right to allow care functions in the forest. Care should remain the starting point,…
Baarn politics is becoming exciting again, now that Tino Schouten is going solo
Schouten is known for not mincing his words. And that chafed, more and more. “I can say something very easily, and I can substantiate it 90 percent,” he says with…