Tag: antibiotic
Danger bells are ringing: Turkey ranks 2nd in the world in antibiotic resistance! 10 million people will die in 1 year
Dean of Ankara University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty Member of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology Prof. Dr. Ender Yarsan said that antibiotics used in the treatment of infections…
Utrecht scientists make important antibiotic discovery: ‘Now testing on animals and humans’
Teixobactin appears to attack the bacteria in a different way than other antibiotics do. The researchers speak of “a unique murder strategy”. The discovery of this mechanism is an important…
Taking an antibiotic after a risky report would reduce the risk of STDs
News Published on 07/29/2022 at 2:08 p.m. Updated 07/29/2022 at 2:08 p.m. Reading 2 mins. According to a clinical study revealed on Wednesday, taking an antibiotic after unprotected sex could…
Try this before you take the medicine! As effective as antibiotics
Antibiotics were the strongest weapon against disease. Antibiotics, which have been used extensively for years, have started to show resistance in recent years and even started to do more harm…
Collect it where you see it: Increases sexual power, cleans the blood, increases resistance, gives energy! Impressive benefits of natural antibiotic carob
Carob provides very important benefits for the health of people of all ages, big and small. Carob, a healthy food that cleans the lungs, has incredible benefits when boiled and…
What is France’s strategy to fight against antibiotic resistance?
Why this slogan Antibiotics are not automatic ! was it introduced by the Caisse d’assurance Maladie two decades ago? Antibiotic resistance is a natural process via which bacteria gradually become…
Bacteriophages, viruses that could save millions of lives
News Posted 20 hours ago, Reading 3 mins. A certain type of virus, bacteriophages, could save millions of lives, and many more. Direction Georgia to discover these hopeful viruses. Long…
Its content is very different from others! What are the benefits of natural antibiotic buffalo yogurt: It gives energy, protects both the brain and memory
Buffalo yogurt is one of the superfoods called natural antibiotics. The benefits of buffalo yogurt are innumerable. By regulating the digestive system, it prevents problems such as constipation, diarrhea and…
The dangers of growing antibiotic resistance
Thanks to anti-bacterial treatments, life expectancy has increased by at least ten years. But after a century of use of these treatments, sometimes in an abusive way, their effectiveness is…
Don’t do this to the garlic! Natural antibiotic turns into a nest of bacteria
Unknowingly, we make big mistakes about foods that are in our lives and that we often consume, such as garlic, tomatoes, potatoes, coffee and honey. Foods full of vitamins and…