Swedish nuclear fuel may soon be mined here – despite the opposition

Opposition to a uranium mine is strong among the population in the area, as past experience is a deterrent.

– They turned everything upside down back in 1976, and we don’t want them to come and break again, says local resident Roland Wilsson.

The whole thing is a dilemma, says the chairman of the municipal board Adam Johansson (M) in Falköping.

– I am for nuclear power and uranium mining in cases where there is municipal support, and that is definitely not the case here, says Johansson.

He emphasizes that he will take care of Falköping residents’ interests, even if it would make him unfriendly to the party.

The Environment Minister wants to see more self-cleaning Sweden

Someone who believes that municipal resistance should not be able to stop the development of increased nuclear power production is Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari (L).

– Either you mine uranium in Sweden under orderly processes with good working conditions, or you import it. So the alternative is to shut down nuclear power or mine uranium somewhere, says the minister during a debate in SVT’s Agenda.

– Headless. Such a development would lock us into a uranium dependency for a very long time to come, answers the Green Party’s spokeswoman Märta Stenevi.
