Sweden’s security situation has weakened – there are many reasons behind it, from gang violence to religious fanaticism

Swedens security situation has weakened there are many reasons

The police have started special surveillance on Friday due to the weakened security situation, SVT reports, among other things.

During the summer, the Swedish police have changed their operating model in the direction of reacting more quickly due to the weakened security situation.

– Continuous special monitoring is underway, it is no longer a question of a specific threat that has come to our attention, says the spokesperson of the Swedish police Mark Vadasz.

In the background, among other things, Muslim countries were outraged by the desecration of the Koran.

According to spokesperson Vadasz, the police is cooperating with Noa’s national operational department.

– The way and working method could be compared to a hospital going on standby, the spokesman said.

A special event can mean “a sudden, unpredictable or unplanned event for which the police are not normally prepared”.

Preparing for an assassination attempt

Stockholm’s security situation is evaluated on a five-point scale. The current situation has been assessed at level three in severity.

– The threat is assessed as elevated, and according to the assessment of the increased threat, an assassination may also take place, said the head of the anti-terrorist unit of the security police Susanna Trehorning in the week ending.

For example, in the western operational area, the police are increasing their weapons and equipment due to the weakened security situation.

The residence permit of the Koran desecrator will be re-examined

Trampling the Koran Salwan Momika has continued his threats to publicly burn the Muslim holy book.

Expressen magazine tells, that Momika has announced new locations in front of the Iranian Embassy, ​​the center of Stockholm and the mosque in Botkyrka. A few other people have also applied for permission to burn the Koran.

The Swedish Immigration Service has accepted Momika’s residence permit for re-examination. According to the agency, “the circumstances are being re-examined”. Momika, an Iraqi Christian, received a residence and work permit in mid-April 2021. The permit is valid until April next year.
