2024 Olympics: the list of people authorized to drive in Paris – and how to obtain the certificate

2024 Olympics the list of people authorized to drive in

To ensure the safety of visitors, athletes and residents, access conditions to the capital are restricted. Who will be able to travel in Paris with a special authorization and what do the colored perimeters mean?

The 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games are impatiently awaited by athletes and visitors from all over the world, but this global event is also synonymous with hardship for Parisians. Crowded trains, rising transport prices, and blocked streets… Indeed, many historical monuments such as the Eiffel Tower, the Grand Palais, Concorde or the Alexandre III bridge will host the competitions. And to ensure the safety and protection of residents, athletes and visitors, access will be very limited in the capital. Colored perimeters, gray, black, red and blue, have been put in place to better define access restrictions and diversions for motorized vehicles in particular.

The gray perimeter corresponds to the competition site: only athletes, ticketed spectators and accredited persons can access it. No motorized vehicles are therefore authorized except those with Paris 2024 accreditation. The black perimeter corresponds to the protection perimeter, where searches and any type of control of people accessing the competition site are carried out.

Motorized traffic is also strictly prohibited from the red perimeter, which may nevertheless be accessible to cyclists, pedestrians and scooters. People with a pass will still be allowed to drive there. Finally, the blue perimeter (diversion perimeter for motorized traffic) allows pedestrians and cyclists to move freely. “Only people with a legitimate reason (free proof) to go to an address located in the blue zone are authorized to enter by motor vehicle” specifies the city of Paris website.

Among the people and professionals authorized to access the blue and red perimeters, without proof to be presented, are: municipal police, emergency services, vehicles used for emergency access to veterinary care centers; emergency recovery vehicles (elevator, pipes, etc.); home care vehicles in the event of an emergency or care for a vulnerable person; funeral…

Other sectors of activity are authorized for the red zone (with presentation of a digital pass) such as access to care centers (hospitals and clinics, town doctors), non-emergency recovery vehicles, home care. home except emergency and delivery of meals for vulnerable people or food and household shopping, home services such as childcare or cleaning (in the event of an emergency or for vulnerable people), as well as the transport of people in emergency situations. disability. Please note that taxis and VTCs can only circulate if they transport customers with the requested authorizations.

From May 10, it will be possible to access a digital platform to request an exemption. If your request is accepted, the Police Prefecture will issue you with a digital pass (in the form of a digital certificate), which you will need to present when the time comes throughout the duration of the Olympics. You will also be asked for supporting documents depending on your profession: this may include the employee’s identity documents, an employer certificate as well as proof of mission or even a professional card.
