Sustainable mobility and logistics: Mims strategic document published

Pnrr Mims the tender for the award of energy efficiency

(Finance) – Every day in Italy they move about 38 million Italians over 12 years and each traveler makes an average of 2.55 trips, for a total of 1.96 billion kilometers. These are some of the data provided by the document “Sustainable mobility and logistics. Analysis and strategic directions for the future“Published by Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility which contains data, analysis and innovative methods on the basis of which guidelines have been developed to contribute to the creation of a sustainable, resilient and inclusive transport and logistics system oriented towards the country’s economic growth.

The analysis of flows origin-destination shows the great role ofHigh Speed ​​Railway in connecting the main metropolises, but also reveals that over 70% of journeys take place over distances of less than 50 km, with 23% and 58% of vehicle movements (cars, motorcycles and buses) concentrated, respectively, on municipal roads and extra-urban. Italians move mainly using private vehicles (62%), on average more polluting and older than those of the other main European countries. The share of sustainable mobility (active or with public transport) has not grown for at least twenty years.

“This document, together with the sectoral plans and thematic reports drawn up by MIMs in the two-year period 2021-2022 for railways, roads and motorways, cycling, road safety, airports, the use of maritime space, local mobility , the decarbonisation of transport and cities, represents the basis for orienting future policies for logistics and sustainable mobility, highlighting how the effectiveness, sustainability and resilience of the sector do not derive only from investments in physical infrastructures, but also from a strong commitment to the decarbonisation of transport, digitalisation at all levels, the improvement of working conditions, and a greater balance of relations between the state and the private sector “, declared the minister Enrico Giovannini.

The data analyzed in the document provides a consistency of the transport goods in Italy far above what has been estimated up to now. In 2019, over 580 billion tons per kilometer were transported: 88% traveled by road, 9% by sea and only 3% by sea. railroad. The preponderant rate of shipping up Street (90%) takes place on journeys of less than 300 kilometers, a distance for which rail transport is hardly competitive. In 2021 the degree of internationalization of the Italian economy reached 63%, the highest figure in the history of Italy. Ports represent the first mode of connection with foreign countries (with a share of 59%), followed by road (30%) and rail (11%).
