“Sicien-6” step from China: Sent to space!

According to the news of the Shinhua agency, the 5th group of the Chijian-6 satellites consists of two satellites. The satellites were launched from the Ciuçuen Satellite Center located in the Taklamakan Desert in the northwest of the country. The Long March-4B rocket was used in the launch mission.

The satellites reportedly settled into their planned position in Earth orbit after launch.

The launch was recorded as the “400th mission with Long March rockets”.


Shicien-6 (SJ6) satellites are used to study the space environment, radiation and its effects, record physical environment parameters, and for other space experiments.

The satellites, designed as a duo, are produced by Shanghai Space Flight Technology Academy and Dongfanghong Satellite Company.

The first 4 batches of Chicien-6 satellites were launched into space in the period 2004-2010.


