shooting kills several at East Jerusalem synagogue

shooting kills several at East Jerusalem synagogue

Seven people were killed and ten others injured in a shooting on Friday (January 27th) on the northern outskirts of Jerusalem, the Israeli Foreign Ministry said.

The attack occurred in Neve Ya’akov, an Israeli settlement in East Jerusalem located in the Arab sector of the city, annexed by the Jewish state. Around 8:15 p.m. local time, the assailant, armed with a pistol, entered a synagogue. He opens fire, and targets several people. It’s Friday evening, it’s the beginning of the Sabbath, day of prayer for the Jews. The Israeli police intervene quickly. The shooter is shot in turn. In a statement, the Israeli security forces speak of a real ” carnage “, reports our correspondent in Jerusalem, Sami Boukhelifa.

Seven innocent people lost their lives in a context of widespread violence. The attack came a day after Israel’s deadliest assault in years in the West Bank, which killed nine people Thursday in Jenin. These events mark the beginning of a new cycle of violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. ” This operation is a response to the crime carried out by the occupation forces in Jenin and a natural response to the criminal actions of the occupation Hazem Qassem, spokesman for the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, said in Gaza, without claiming responsibility for the attack. The Islamic Jihad, another Palestinian armed group, also welcomed this action without claiming paternity.

Vigorous condemnation from the United States

The United States strongly condemned this attack. appalling “. ” It’s absolutely appalling State Department deputy spokesman Vedant Patel told reporters. “ We condemn this apparent terrorist attack in the strongest terms. “, he added. ” We stand in solidarity with the people of Israel “, said the official, according to whom Washington is in “ close contact with the Israeli authorities.

The spokesman specified that there was no change in the program of the chief of the American diplomacy, Antony Blinken, who must go from Sunday to Egypt then Monday and Tuesday in Jerusalem and Ramallah. He will discuss “measures to be taken for a de-escalation of tensions”, he added.

(And with agencies)
