School, Anief: “Total sharing in the Senate on the amendment to the DL Aid bis which cancels the expert teacher”

Military or equivalent service Anief Justice is prevailing

(Finance) – “Various amendments to the Aid bis decree find space for the reasons of precarious teachers who were excluded from temporary teaching this year due to a government that is deaf to the real needs of the school: the requests for changes to Legislative Decree 115 produced by Anief were translated into official amendments immediately after the successful demonstration organized on August 30 in Rome by the same union in Piazza Santi Apostoli. On some requests requested by the young autonomous union there is even political unanimity: this is the case of the generalized request, produced in the commissions of the Senate, to remove the elusive expert teacher, to be identified every 99 colleagues (therefore excluded) and to be paid in ten years after three three-year training periods at their own expense. However, the policy also asks to vote the confirmation of the Covid staff (M5S, Lega, Fdi) and to vote on the integration of the merit rankings of the Extraordinary bis competition (Fdi and Mixed) but without hostility from others parties, as well as to guarantee compensation to staff suspended for failure to vaccinate against Covid19 (Mixed) “. This is what theAnief in a note.

“It would be a really good sign – he says Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief – what can arrive in the next few days from Palazzo Madama: being able to make important changes to the rules on schools contained in the highly contested Aid bis decree would be very important. “Against the expert teacher – underlines the union in the note – they have deliberately positioned themselves against some deputies of the M5S, but also the Democratic Party and the Brothers of Italy, as well as Leu who promoted an amendment to cancel its introduction in the process of converting the law. “After tracing the road from the square in Rome, with practically all the political parties and then the other unions followed, now our union – continues Pacifico – is following with interest the evolution of the process of converting decree 115 into law: in fact, we have identified the amendments to the vote next week, on 6 September and it is a matter of fundamental changes for the smooth running of the school year. The sincere hope is that at least part of these can be approved: above all the amendments that have received unanimity or an important majority already during the first debate in the V and VII committees in the Senate “.

The amendments that currently have a better chance of being adopted, as requested by Anief during the demonstration held last Tuesday in Rome, they are the following: Abolition of the expert teacher (38.1, 38.2, 38.3, 38.9, 38.12, 38.13) on which the VII commission has already expressed itself positively; Covid organic confirmation (38.4, 38.5, 38.20, 38.32, 38.34, 38.35, 39.1).

The other amendments, less shared but potentially up to the vote: Integration of the rankings of the extraordinary competition bis (38.4, 39.3); Payment of personal indemnity suspended covid (38.6, 38.7) given the pending issues of constitutionality raised by the Anief lawyers.
