Scandal in the hotel room! Caught surreptitiously filming the couple being together

Scandal in the hotel room Caught surreptitiously filming the couple

What happened to the British couple, who was on holiday in a hotel in Spain, made them say ‘give up’. Abigail Higson and Usama Qazi couple started to spend time in the hotel they rented to have a nice holiday. The couple, who started to be together after a while, was shocked when they saw the blackout on the door.

Abigail Higson, who said that when she looked carefully, she realized that there was a man there. “I was completely naked. I saw the man hold up his phone and film us” he said.

Higson stated that they got dressed in 20 seconds. “What are you doing?” He shouted that they were running towards the man.


Higson said the man was running towards the reception, which was then when he learned that the man was a member of the hotel security staff and had been sent to their third-floor room to look into complaints about the noise.


According to the news in the Daily Star; Hotel officials, who blamed the couple for the incident in question, said the British couple had allegedly been very drunk while the staff were trying to control the problems caused by the two guests.

