Save up to SEK 4,800 – with 7 simple tricks: “Avoid…”

Save up to SEK 4800 with 7 simple tricks

As spring approaches, it is also high time for many to take advantage of the tax refund. For others, it may rather be about paying back back taxes.

In times when money is either coming in or out of the account, it can also be a good time to review the total expenses and clean up the overheads you may not need anymore.

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Seven tips to get better finances this spring

Are you thinking about how you could improve the economy to have more to live for or simply to build a stable buffer?

Anyfin’s financial health expert Felix Sjöholm has listed seven tips for you who want to clean up your finances when spring arrives. And through that build a stable private economy for the coming year.

  • Go through the expenses and find what is important to you. Find out what you want to prioritize spending money on.
  • Cancel and end unnecessary subscriptions and subscriptions you no longer need.
  • Negotiate terms in the agreements you have the opportunity to influence, for example broadband, telephony or electricity agreements.
  • Do you get a tax refund? Use that amount to pay extra on your loans. Or put the money away in a buffer for unforeseen expenses.
  • Unsubscribe from newsletters and advertising. It is then easier to refrain from consuming.
  • Remove your payment details from online stores. This makes it a little more difficult to shop online in a simple way, and you can instead have time to think for an extra time.
  • Are you shopping now? Pay now. If you buy something, you should not postpone the payment, but instead pay immediately. It is the cheapest in the long run.
  • Worst at saving? The psychologist answers

    Sometimes it can be good to review expenses to see what you can save on. Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT That’s how much you can save

    In another email News24 Sjöholm develops which types of costs can make a big difference for you in the long run, and also gives suggestions on which expenditure items you can review to save a bit of money. For example, by reviewing subscriptions that are not being used.

    “For example, regarding subscriptions, you could cancel a Netflix subscription and then save 129 kroner a month, or 1,548 kroner in a year, if you have their standard package,” he writes and adds:

    “If you have a gym card that costs SEK 400 a month, you save SEK 4,800 per year”.

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    Terminating unused streaming services, renegotiating contracts or canceling unused gym cards can be ways to save money. Photo: Martina Holmberg/TT

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