Record deficit for region Västernorrland – inefficient care a big problem

Regional councilor Viktoria Jansson belongs to the moderates who are part of the governing coalition with the Social Democrats and the centre. She has one of the most important positions in regional politics.

– The deficit is really troublesome, but for the most part it is about influence from the outside world, she says.

“A failure”

Inflation, the recession and the high interest rates really mess it up.

But can it not be said that it is an understatement for politics that they have not managed to deal with the problems?

– I am a politician myself and I should not review myself, but it is clear that it is a failure. she says.

Västernorrland has Sweden’s most expensive care

Regardless of the outside world, there is a lot to deal with at home.

– The crux of Västernorrland is that we have Sweden’s most expensive hospital care, she says.

An important piece of the puzzle will be to continue redirecting from expensive hospital care to cheaper primary care at care and health centers.

United front against staffing companies

Now the region is putting great hope in the fact that the country’s regions have come together for the first time for a common front against the companies that hire out staff.

– It is very important that it happens, it is eroding the regions.

But firing staff like the Sörmland region is planning will probably not be done, where both the opposition and the majority have been clear.

When it was done here around 15 years ago, it became a costly lesson for the then county council.
