Recharge your electric car as quickly as refueling? The quantum revolution is underway!

Recharge your electric car as quickly as refueling The quantum

Even though quantum batteries are not yet a reality, theoretical research shows that they could solve the problem of charging times for electric vehicles. Korean researchers have calculated that a quantum battery could recharge in seconds.

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the oil will end up being exhausted one day, pushing the population to convert to the electric car in the more or less long term. One of the main brakes is the recharge time of the batterywhere it takes between 20 and 40 minutes with a supercharger and ten hours at home.

Many researchers are working on quantum batteries that use in particular thequantum entanglement to speed up charging. All cells would then be charged simultaneously rather than in parallel. Korean researchers are interested in the speed possible with such batteryand published their results in the journal Physical Review Letters.

A cooldown divided by 200

The charging rate of a conventional battery increases linearly with the number of cells. The researchers managed to determine that, for a quantum battery, this increase will be quadratic (squared). For the example of a battery quantum with 200 cells, the charging speed would be 200 times faster than a conventional battery. The time needed for a full charge would then drop from ten hours to three minutes at home, and from half an hour to a few seconds on a supercharger.

This is, however, purely theoretical at this stage, with quantum batteries still having to pass a number of theoretical and practical hurdles before becoming a reality. In addition, it will be necessary to ensure sufficient power to recharge a battery so quickly. In a house with a classic 12 kVA meter, it would be impossible to recharge a Tesla Model Y (75 kWh) in less than six hours, even with a quantum battery…

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