Reacher star Alan Ritchson reveals frightening past that made Amazon’s hit series possible

1703345595 Reacher star Alan Ritchson reveals frightening past that made Amazons

The humorous action series Reacher is currently Amazon’s biggest hit. The 2nd season is currently running * and number 3 has already been confirmed. The charisma of the 41-year-old lead actor Alan Ritchson is the linchpin of the series’ success. However, his life wasn’t always as rosy as it is now. On the contrary: just thanks to a particularly dark phase of life could he get that far?

Dangerous money: Alan Ritchson learned the hardest life lesson long before the Amazon hit Reacher

On the occasion of the Season 2 premiere of Reacher, Alan Ritchson gave the Hollywood Reporter a very honest and surprising interview. Ritchson revealed glimpses of an unexpected past.

Alan Ritchson’s wealth was his downfall. It all started with the fact that he made a lot of money very early on.

I had an existential breakdown and it came at a time in my life where I was extremely financially successful. I developed film funds for people that were doing really well.

However, success turned into a nightmare.

It was right then that I realized I needed to change my life. […] I was surrounded by billionaires with double lives. They were all bored and dissatisfied with what they had and for me it was suddenly a prospect of a miserable existence.

A difficult phase of life began for Alan Ritchson. He learned one essential life lessonwhich he has internalized today.

I committed to the lesson I learned in that moment: The truth is that we are here to serve others and create work that makes the world a better place. I learned the lesson the hard way and I almost didn’t survive.

In the end, he emerged from the crisis strengthened and humbled.
He doesn’t elaborate on how he almost didn’t survive. These experiences enabled him to build his career in slow but persistent steps and to stick with it. Until he got the role of Reacher and his star status went through the roof.

The eight episodes of Reacher Season 2 arrive weekly. Three episodes are already on Amazon Prime Video. Further broadcast dates for the individual episodes are December 22nd, December 29th, January 5th, January 12th and January 19th.

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