Putin and Erdogan meet on grain deal

The meeting takes place in the Russian city of Sochi on the Black Sea. It is the first time since October that Erdogan and Putin have met face to face.

Seven weeks ago, Russia withdrew from the grain agreement negotiated by Turkey with the UN. Since then, Russia has continuously carried out attacks specifically targeting Ukrainian grain warehouses.

Separate agreements with Russia and Ukraine were concluded in July 2022, which, among other things, allowed Ukraine to export grain from three ports on the Black Sea.

The Turkish president has with him drafts of the statutes that could constitute the new agreement. According to the proposal, Russia will be allowed to transport grain via Turkey if in return they allow Ukrainian grain transport via the Black Sea.

The US and other countries in the West are not believed to be opposed to the new agreements as restored transport is considered so important to the outside world, writes Howl.
