Prof. Dr. Natural solution against stress and anxiety from Canan Karatay! Pay attention to these items

If you are experiencing these symptoms go to the doctor

Prof. Dr. Canan Karatay attracts attention with her warnings and suggestions about health. Karatay, who conveyed natural solutions against stress and anxiety, also explained what to pay attention to in such a situation. The famous professor stated that the most important factor in the formation of stress, which is one of the biggest enemies of human health, is insomnia.


There are very important factors that are often overlooked in triggering stress. We can list them as follows: If you are sleepless, it is already a huge stress for the body. You will suffer from this all day long. Sleep is very important. Melatonin hormone is needed to sleep. If the melatonin hormone is out of balance, you cannot sleep. What disrupts the balance of this hormone is sugar, high insulin and cortisol hormone. For him, sugar is the sweetest poison. If I said sugar, these are not just sweets, but foods such as grains, flour and bread, which become sugar when entered into the body.


One of the most important stresses for the human body is heavy sports. If you are running like crazy or doing bodybuilding, the stress hormone cortisol is secreted. What does this hormone do? It increases insulin resistance and makes you diabetic. This is the stress on the body. So walk calmly, walk slowly. Research shows that walking at a slow pace for 20 minutes a day is much more beneficial than antidepressants.


It is important to ventilate the house

Windows do not open in smart buildings. There are air conditioners. Living on the 20th floor is a source of stress. Houses with gardens are healthy. There were slums in our time. There were single-storey houses in the garden. We have always grown up in gardens since our childhood.



The sun is very useful in reducing stress, daylight is very important. Everyone is happier in summer because the days are longer. In northern countries nights last very long. Then the stress also increases. This has been scientifically proven.

When you are in touch with nature and know nature, know that stress will be less. Watching the sunrise and sunset, getting to know the sky and the Moon. These are natural antidepressants.


For example, a lady applies sunscreen while swimming in the sea. ‘Can you drink that preservative, even if it is the most luxurious cream from the best company?’ I ask you. That cream is absorbed by your body or you inhale the detergent and it mixes with the blood in your lungs. A breastfeeding mother uses that cream and it is absorbed through her skin. It passes from she milk to her baby. That baby is only 2-3 months old. It’s a shame, his liver isn’t developed yet.


There is no need to take antidepressants just because ‘I am stressed’. Medications also increase stress. These drugs also damage the brain when used for a long time. It can be taken for a short time in emergency situations, but not continuously. Unfortunately, today they even give it to 12-year-old children.


Nutrition is very important in coping with stress. Yogurt is very important. The most natural vinegar. Homemade vinegar, homemade pickles, homemade yoghurt, natural head and bone broth. These help remove heavy metals accumulated in the body. If the body is acidic, acid creates more stress in the body.


Intestinal health is very important for a stress-free life. We need to make the intestines and body alkaline. We need to protect the friendly bacteria in the intestines. Drinking water is also very important.


There are no more minerals left in the nutrients coming out of the soil. Because so many agricultural poisons have been sprayed on the soil that these are factors that disrupt the intestinal flora and initiate stress in the body. Likewise, detergents, softeners and bleaches used at home. It’s all a factor.


Being with your loved ones, sharing your troubles with them, and most importantly, hugging them prevents stress. Women and men, both in private and business life; Children are also under intense stress, especially due to the exam system. Mobbing in workplaces creates a lot of stress. Especially women are put under a lot of pressure. Children, on the other hand, have exam stress. They all face tests starting from primary school. Exams are the most unnecessary thing in the world. People need to live their childhood and youth. I feel so sorry. They do not know nature. They hold their mothers’ hands and go to shopping malls. They go to gyms and private teaching institutions. They are completely far from nature. I think this is the biggest stress.



Listen to good music. I always listen to classical music, especially in stressful situations. I take care of patients in the hospital while listening to Mozart. Mozart relieves my stress a lot. Of course, we also have our own music. Our folk music and folk dances are very important.

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