Premature birth: when is a baby born premature?

Premature birth when is a baby born premature

In France, a baby is born prematurely every 8 minutes. What is a premature birth? From how many weeks of pregnancy do we speak of prematurity? What are the causes ? Answers.

There prematurity affects approximately 60,000 babies each year in France. Which means thata child is born premature every 8 minutesprecise the SOS Préma association. For young parents, prematurity is often a source of immense worry. In question, the fragility of premature babies which is associated with a higher risk of deathcompared to a child born at term, but also to health problems, which can be more or less serious. Various questions then arise. From when do we speak of prematurity? What are the causes ? What is the duration of maternity leave in the event of premature birth? To see more clearly, here is everything you need to know about prematurity.

What is a premature delivery?

Premature labor occurs when a child is born before 37 weeks of amenorrhea (SA) or 35 weeks of pregnancy, i.e. before 8 and a half months of pregnancy. There are also two types of preterm birth:

Spontaneous premature birth

They are caused by natural causes which could not be avoided. The risk may be related to the fetus, as in the case of multiple pregnancies, malformations or growth retardation of the fetus. It can also be linked to a pathology of the future mother such as a local, uterine or urinary infection for example, diabetes or an anomaly of the placenta, placenta previa type. “About 70% of premature births are spontaneous. underline Inserm.

Induced premature labor

He can be decided by the medical team for medical reasons, if the continuation of the pregnancy represents a greater risk for the mother or the baby (arterial hypertension of the future mother, premature rupture of the limbs which protect the fetus, etc.). We then speak of “induced” or “medically consented” prematurity. “It represents 45% of births before 33 SA”says SOS Préma on its website.

From how many weeks of pregnancy does one speak of prematurity?

A child is said to be premature if he is born at less than 37 weeks of completed amenorrhea. There are also three levels of prematurity. According to SOS Préma, there is average prematurity which is between the 32nd SA and the 37th SA. This is the most common. On the other hand, for Inserm, it is at the end of 36 SA that the average prematurity ends. About the great prematurity, it concerns births between 28 SA and 32 SA. The baby then needs special care in neonatology. There very great prematurity concerns babies born between 24 SA and 28 SA. At this stage, the newborn is transferred to intensive care in neonatology. Here are the three levels according to SOS Préma:

Average prematurityBetween the 32nd and 37th week of completed amenorrhea
Great prematurity

Between the 28th and 32nd SA

very prematurityBetween the 24th and 28th SA

From how many weeks of pregnancy is it safe to give birth?

A child born between 37 SA and 41 SA is considered to be born at term. However, the term pregnancy does not mean that there is no danger for the baby. Only medical examinations during pregnancy follow-up and after the birth of the child can detect an infection, a malformation or a risk factor.

What are the causes of prematurity?

The causes of prematurity are multiple. Among those that are identified today, there are obstetrical factors specific to pregnancy but also factors that concern the health of the expectant mother and fetusas :

  • Multiple pregnancies
  • Abnormalities of the placenta
  • Premature rupture of the bag of waters
  • Uterine malformations
  • Cervical abnormalities
  • Intrauterine growth retardation
  • Genitourinary infections
  • Maternal diseases (diabetes, toxaemia of pregnancy -kidney complication-, dysgravidie -convulsions and arterial hypertension-)
  • Mother’s age and number of previous pregnancies
  • Fetal infections
  • Chromosomal malformations

Our advice on prematurity

How to welcome a premature baby? What clothes are suitable for low weight and small babies? Here are some practical tips if you are delivering a prema baby:

What is the threat of premature labor?

A MAP, or threat of premature labor is diagnosed when a pregnant woman has regular contractions of the uterus and a changed cervix before she reaches 37 weeks of pregnancy. As far as possible, the continuation of the pregnancy is favored so that the baby is born at term. This threat, considered a complication of pregnancyexists when the following symptoms appear before the beginning of the 9th month :

  • Frequent (more than ten a day) and painful contractions
  • Pressure, continuous or intermittent pain in the lower abdomen
  • Vaginal bleeding or discharge
  • Lower back pain
  • Edema (swelling) in the hands, legs or face
  • Headaches, dizziness and palpitations.

What to do in case of threat of premature delivery?

If the threat is real and seriousyour doctor will give you corticosteroids to stimulate fetal development and treatment to stop the contractions. In this case, you will absolutely have to rest and stay in bed. A urine analysis and a vaginal swab may be requested by your doctor to detect possible infections. If the risk of preterm delivery is high, hospitalization will be required. In other cases, surgery such as strapping of the collar can prevent premature birth.

In the event of premature delivery, what are the risks for the child?

Premature delivery can have consequences for the child. Generally, the premature baby is fragile, he does not have a normal height and weight. He has thin, red skin and his veins show well. His fingernails are poorly developed and he has only a few hairs. His organism has not reached a sufficient degree of development, especially its lungs, digestive system and immune system. There is three major risks following the first days after childbirth: respiratory problems, intracranial hemorrhage and infections. You should know thata child born between 32 and 34 SA has a 99% chance of survivalaccording to Inserm data from 2011.

Can we prevent the risks of premature delivery?

For prevent premature birth, it is essential to respect prenatal consultations. This makes it possible to quickly identify any anomaly that could cause a threat of premature delivery. It is also recommended to consult a doctor quickly in case of fever, which can cause contractions. Also, do not take any medicine without medical advice. A excessive activity can also cause contractions from the 6th or 7th month of pregnancy. Know that you can also reduce the risk of prematurity in :

► Banning the consumption of alcohol, smoking, drugs.

► Avoiding stress, violent sports, frequent trips.

► Having a healthy and balanced diet.

► By getting enough sleep.

There are associations, such as SOS Premathe origin of the world prematurity dayand which offers parents a help line, provided by professionals, for any questions 0 800 96 60 60.

What is the duration of maternity leave in the event of premature delivery?

In France, maternity leave is extended for employees in the private sector if the child was born more than 6 weeks before the expected date of delivery and has been hospitalized. The extension then corresponds to “a period equal to the number of days between the actual date of delivery and the start date of the prenatal leave initially planned”details the public service website. In the civil service, on the other hand, “the total duration of maternity leave remains the same : the prenatal leave is shortened and the postnatal leave is extended accordingly”.

