“I will be punished if I say what I think”
England beat Spain in the quarter-finals of the European Football Championship. The host country is the first team to secure a place in the semi-finals. The Spaniards were frustrated by…
Dikšunbargit galget fas geavahit njalmmesuoji
Covid ovccinuppelot davda lea leavvan olu maŋimus vahkuid maŋggain guovlluin. Västerbottenis leat maid olu dikšunbargit skihpan, muitalit regiovnnas. Dal galgetge guovllu dearvvasvuođabargit fas geavahit njalmmesuoji go barget buohcciid lahka. Region…
Fake 500-notes in circulation in the north
Published: Just now full screenA real 500 note. Stock Photography. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT The police warn that counterfeit banknotes abound in the North region and mainly in Västernorrland.…
OSCE report: Russia attacks civilians – indiscriminately
The image that Russia is systematically violating the laws of war and human rights in Ukraine was further strengthened on Wednesday in a new report from the Organization for Security…
Over 50 dead in boat accident in Pakistan
The overloaded boat was on its way to a wedding with around 100 passengers when it capsized on the Indus River near Sadiqabad. So far, 26 bodies – mostly women…
The 30 million episode that even George RR Martin can’t see
Game of Thrones ended in 2019 with the 8th season, but at the same time HBO was already planning the TV future of George RR Martin’s fantasy world. In addition…
FIFA 23 shows 4 major innovations
The FIFA 23 release is getting closer and now there is also first information about innovations in the game. We show you the most important ones. When is FIFA 23…
the new police chief of Paris, a close friend of Macron
NUÑEZ. Laurent Nuñez was officially appointed prefect of police of Paris, this Wednesday, July 20, 2022. Who is he? What do we say about it? What we know about Didier…
Mass grave horror in that country! 25 bodies found, number may rise
The grave, in which the lifeless bodies of 25 people were placed in bags, were discovered by a group of locals who came together to search for their missing relatives.…
Hugo Vargas, the artisan supporter of the Colombians
Colombian cyclists, very good climbers, can count on their many supporters. Meeting with one of them this morning: Hugo Vargas, also Paralympic cyclist and craftsman. From our special correspondent in…