Otoplasty: what is the operation of protruding ears?

Otoplasty what is the operation of protruding ears

Otoplasty is a cosmetic surgery operation aimed at correcting protruding or overly large ears. The patient must wear a blindfold after the procedure. Is it painful? What is the cost of otoplasty?

Some people have ears that protrude more than normal (“protruding ears”) or have a shape that they don’t like. Otoplasty is a surgery to reshape the ears. After the otoplasty, it is possible to feel a little pain or discomfort, but this usually goes away after a few days. Most people wear a plaster or bandage around their head to protect the ears while they heal and then a headband to accompany the healing. Otoplasty is a cosmetic operation, it has no functional role on hearing. How is the otoplasty operation? What is the price of an otoplasty and can one benefit from a refund ? Are there any risks ?

Definition: what is an otoplasty?

Otoplasty is an ear plasty which aims to correct a malformation at the level of the plication, the fold located on the upper part of the ear. And to another extent, it aims to correct the conchthe mouth area of ​​the external auditory canal, which can be more or less developed, explains Dr Sébastien Garson, plastic surgeon, member of the French Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (SOFCEP). One or the other can be corrected, but sometimes it is the combination of the two that will make theear may be predominantsaid protruding ear.“This intervention is most often bilateral And then concerns both earsbut can also be unilateral when a only ears are affected, inducing a troublesome asymmetry. Otoplasty is a cosmetic operation, it has no functional role on hearing. It avoids psychological trauma in the child due to possible mockery from his classmates.

What age to get your ears fixed?

In general, surgeons do not operate before 7 or 8 years old, age from which the ear reaches its final size. “There is no point in operating on an organ that is growing. From 7/8 years old, the ear has already reached 80% of its adult size, which is why it can be considered at this time. Moreover, the child must be demanding, he must have a real awareness. This should not be an exclusive request from the parents”, warns our interlocutor. Adults can be operated on at any age.

What is the cost of otoplasty?

When “the deformation causes significant social embarrassment for the child as well as for the adult“, otoplasty is covered by Social Security. Depending on the type of contract taken out, some mutuals can sometimes reimburse additional fees. “Do not hesitate to call your complementary to find out the amount of the coverage. advises Dr. Garson. It specifies the price of otoplasty: between 900 € and 2000 €. The surgeon always provides you with an estimate and in the case of minor children, parental authorization is required.

The intervention can be done under local anesthesia for adults or general for children, according to the tolerance of the patient, his desire, the consultation between the patient, the surgeon and the anesthesiologist. “Generally, in adults, it is a potentiated local anesthesia, intermediate between simple local anesthesia and general anesthesia” explains Dr. Garson. During the procedure, the ears are reattached by incisions placed behind the ear, in the natural fold. Sometimes additional incisions are necessary at the front, they will be invisible afterwards. This is a quick intervention that lasts in 30 and 60 mins depending on the surgeon and the corrections to be made.

Diagram of the otoplasty operation © rumruay-Adobestock

► Before surgery, an in-depth clinical example of the ears is performed by the plastic surgeon to determine the intervention strategy to be followed. During this appointment the patient is informed risks (related to anesthesia and the surgical procedure), of the expected result... A pre-operative assessment is performed especially if general anesthesia is planned. In this case, a consultation with the anesthesiologist is mandatory no later than 48 hours before the operation. Aspirin is prohibited before the operation to limit the risk of bleeding.

What are the postoperative consequences of an otoplasty?

► After the procedure,a first dressing is applied, for a minimum of 24 hours. It allows to do the imprint of the ear and to limit swelling and edema. In a second step, we remove this bandage and replace it with a fabric headband which protects the ears and holds them slightly”.

Pain may occur, the surgeon will prescribe in this case analgesics and anti-inflammatories. An excessively glued aspect of the ears is frequent the first days following the intervention, but this phenomenon is normal and it is in no way a question of a hyper correction. The ears take their final positioning a few weeks later. The appearance of edema is normal and follows the intervention. bruises (bruises) can present themselves. Resorption occurs spontaneously after a few weeks. There are no sutures to remove since they are absorbable.

How long to wear the headband after otoplasty?

“The headband is to be worn night and day for 3 weeks approximately. Then, in some cases, we can prescribe the wearing of the headband for an additional month hand only at night“continues the cosmetic surgeon. During these periods, it is advisable to protect the ears from the cold to avoid the risk of frostbite or necrosis. If for children the return to school is possible quickly, Dr. Garson explains that “otoplasty is a seasonal operation modeled on school holidays. Generally, the operation is done at the beginning of the holidays so that the child returns home with his first bandage. Then the return to school can be done with the second band, more classic. For the resumption of sport, it is necessary to wait for the time of healing and contact sports cannot be resumed for a month and a half whether in children or adults.”

What are the risks of otoplasty?

Otoplasty is a routine operation without major risks : “There are classic complications linked to any surgery, otherwise no particular risks. Cases of infection are very rare.“The consequences or possible complications in very rare cases are hemorrhage, infection, skin necrosis. If complications and risks are rare, the use of a surgeon qualified for this type of intervention and practicing in a hospital or clinic approved according to the standards in force, considerably limits the risks. Post-operative follow-up must always be rigorous.

How does healing take place after otoplasty?

A delay of one to two months is necessary to assess the final result. The tissues then softened, the natural reliefs took shape and the edema resulting from the operation was reabsorbed. A successful ear correction should never betray an otoplasty intervention. The ears are in perfect harmony with the rest of the face and anomalies are corrected. As for the scars, lodged in the natural folds of the ear, they are discreet, perfectly concealed. They can be pink and hardened the weeks following the intervention, then will find their natural color during the healing process. In order to obtain good healing, it is advisable avoid exposing the scars to the sun the months following the operationor failing to apply sunscreen.

Otoplasty without surgery: is it possible?

It is now possible to correct protruding ears in a less invasive way than conventional surgery. it’s about the placement of an implant that will correct certain defects but not all. “Implants Earfold can replace conventional otoplasty in specific cases. This works very well when the deformation is mainly related to a defect in the plication of the ear. In case of hypertrophy of the conch, this will not necessarily correct it, it will camouflage it but not remove it. This implant looks a bit like a “money clip” in a smaller size, it is made of rare and precious metals and is very well tolerated“An interesting alternative to surgery in some cases but it has a size limit according to Dr. Garson: its cost.”The implant alone costs approximately 500 €it takes 4 to correct both ears and they are not covered by health insurance. Added to this are the surgeon’s fees..” An expensive and unsupported procedure unlike conventional otoplasty.

Thanks to Dr Sébastien Garson, plastic surgeon, member of the French Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (SOFCEP).
