a new trailer, there is Mirai Gohan, the one with

a new trailer there is Mirai Gohan the one with

Bandai Namco almost took us by surprise by announcing at the last minute the arrival of a new trailer for Dragon Ball Sparking Zero. The game is particularly anticipated and for good reason, it is the new episode of the Budokai Tenkaichi series, which had its heyday in the PS2 era. This is the 4th trailer and I suggest that we watch it together, right away, in original version, in Japanese, and that we discuss it right after. Because yes, you are not dreaming, Mirai Gohan is indeed in the game!!

First thing we can see with this trailer is that Bandai Namco’s communication is perfectly oiled. Already, we are 1 month after the last trailer, which revealed an entire fight between Goku and Vegeta, allowing us to see that the transformations in real time will be included in the game. We were also able to see the difference between the powerful characters and those who are fast and today, another theme is being highlighted and which was teased in the Japanese magazine V-Jump about a fortnight ago. The idea is to bring the teachers and their students into confrontation this time. Gohan as a child with Piccolo, Kame Sennin with Krillin and Yamcha, Gohan as a teenager with Videl, Beerus & Whis and the cream of the crop, Trunks from the future with Gohan from the future, the Mirai version, the one where Gohan loses his arm, the one where Gohan is the more bad-ass, the version we would have loved to have in the main timeline.

On the other hand, still no release date for this title which should nevertheless arrive this year in 2024. We will be chomping at the bit while waiting for other information and real gameplay like last month.
