Opinion leader Observatory 4 Future: social cohesion at the heart of the new cycle of meetings

Opinion leader Observatory 4 Future social cohesion at the heart

(Finance) – Good information offers the possibility of building a more inclusive society and of considering diversity as a resource, avoiding simplistic, stereotyped and alarmist visions of reality. It is starting from these reflections that theObservatory Opinion leaders 4 Future, born from the collaboration between the media relations of believe And ALMED, High School in media, communication and entertainment of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, decided to promote a cycle of 4 meetings dedicated to the topic of social cohesion.
“Social cohesion and society: between city, school and consumption” is the title of the initiative that will be held every Friday from 14 April to 5 May 2023, starting at 3.30 pm, at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan and aimed at university students and anyone who wants to inquire about a company more inclusive. The four appointments will also explore the role that correct information has in spreading and promoting useful and non-sensational news, offering society a constructive perspective on this issue.

Specifically, the social cohesion it is a dynamic process and it is the ability of individuals and the community to act in solidarity to mitigate any form of disparity. In this context, one of the tools that promotes social cohesion is good information, which makes people more aware and able to understand and respond to changes in society. In the course ofthe 4 meetings the different aspects of social cohesion will be analyzed and an attempt will be made to understand the relationship between the different places of everyday life, such as the school and the suburbs, and the inclusive strategies that can be implemented in these contexts. April 14, “XYZ: make it happen”: young people at the service of the Corvetto district”. The importance of youth activation as a resource for the regeneration of urban suburbs will be explored through the story of a territorial project by ON! Impresa Sociale. “Immigrants in Italy, consumption as a driver of inclusiveness?” (April 21): together with Centrimark, the marketing research center of the Catholic University, the importance of narrating immigration as a resource for change and development of social and economic dynamics will be analysed. “Inclusion and exclusion between desks, social cohesion in the school environment” (April 28): the reasons that lead to exclusion and bullying processes in schools will be investigated and the possible consequences of excessively alarmist information regarding the state of health of school environments. “New forms of living: hosting and inclusiveness” (May 5): the new forms of living will be examined in depth, in line with the changes in contemporary society and it will be analyzed how domestic nuclei can function as a testing ground for processes of inclusiveness.

“The Opinion Leader 4 Future Observatory – he declared Luigi Ianesi, head of Credem corporate governance and external relations – aims to make people more aware of the issues that most closely concern them. Inclusion and social cohesion always represent highly topical areas for citizens and for the life of the communities that are today involved in the management of new instances linked to the evolution of the urban fabric and the school environment. We are convinced that initiatives like these can contribute to public debate, stimulating further moments of study and reflection”.

“Social cohesion is not to be considered a goal that can be achieved once and for all, but – he declared Sara Sampietro, Almed researcher and coordinator of the Opinion Leader 4 Future Observatory – an ability to be continually regenerated to make communities more cohesive and better able to respond to change. For these reasons we have decided to propose a workshop dedicated to the relationship between everyday environments and processes of inclusiveness to try to outline a series of possible paths of “activation from below”, such as for example a more critical and aware consumption of information for a more accurate reading of the contemporary social context”.
